In Flames -Sounds of A Playground Fading (Upcoming 10th album)

I initially loved ASOP when it came out, but I was just hyping it.

Me too. Liked it for about 4-5 days, then it became boring, then I started to hate it... Now, I can't even listen to it. I do try sometimes, but that album is so devoid of any purpose and creativity.

Funny thing about ASOP is how good it actually sounds live, with Anders' normal vocals and raw guitar sound.

Same as STYE. They do tend to fuck things up in the studio. I mean, they are one of the biggest metal bands ATM, tons of experience, their own studio, best equipment, and they couldn't make proper production from Clayman up until SOAPF. Weird.
Me too. Liked it for about 4-5 days, then it became boring, then I started to hate it... Now, I can't even listen to it. I do try sometimes, but that album is so devoid of any purpose and creativity.
Same as STYE. They do tend to fuck things up in the studio. I mean, they are one of the biggest metal bands ATM, tons of experience, their own studio, best equipment, and they couldn't make proper production from Clayman up until SOAPF. Weird.

I don't really care about how it sounds, as long as the music's good. Look at Reroute, it may be the worst produced album but Trigger gives me the chills whenever I hear it. And I'm not exactly a member of "STYE" sounds better live. Not saying it sounds better in studio either, I mean that one's just a version of another, I listen to both whenever I feel like it and don't think about whether it's better or not, unless we're talking about covers of songs from other bands.

"ASOP" as an individual album (as in not looking back into previous albums) it's pretty good. Sure it may be different, and the production may be dry, but I bet if they put some electronic stuff from "CC" and "STYE" and It would sound the same (relatively).

And "SOAPF" is an amazing album, I like every song, but above all, "Ropes" and "Enter Tragedy" FTW. :flame: There's something about "Ropes" that reminds me of "Swim" and "Darker Times" reminds me of "Leeches".

I just like everything. :P
Hey, I haven't been on this forum in years. I'm glad to see lot's of people enjoy SOAPF.
I discovered In Flames with Colony when it came out and became a fan of all the albums they made til then. I then loved Clayman, R2R, STYE...liked Come Clarity then loved ASOP and I am loving more than ever SOAPF.
I do not consider myself a metalhead anymore....more of a dude that still likes to listen to metal. Used to be a big fan of Hypocrisy, Opeth (still totally am), Immortal, Mors Principium Est, old Norther, old Kalmah, Neraxis and many more but with time I only listen to my top bands.
I only want to say one thing that really bothers me....A LOT of metalheads consider themselves biiiig music fans and consider that people that listen to big maintream music don't know shit about good music. But funny fact, I have been reading on the board for some time now and the first thing that pops up is that almost everybody here simply judges music. Judging music is not appreciating it for what it is. Just because a band does not have the element you are searching or does not have a complex riff of heavy side does not mean the song has nothing to offer. It depends on how you approach the song.

I mean, whats with comparing allllll of what In Flames has done and trying to find what they did like 12 years ago? Is it that difficult to listen to there music with a modern approach? These guys don't have 18 years old anymore and would never want to do the same thing they use to do...with reason!!! I do not know a musician that actually likes to write the same album twice..(oh yea...Amon Amarth..). And In Flames have had lots of fun making the albums they have made and are becoming more and more popular so they must be doing something right in the last 12 years!

Simply enjoying music is to let go and embark in what is presented to you. If you can't do that, fine, no problem, but you should not try to act as if you know what is good and what is bad or say that you are a biiiig music lover cause in fact you simply love music that fits in your little box...and that is worst than any pop music lover (ps I like pop).

Sorry if it may be long but I have been reading for some time some raw commentaries that simply made me tick! It's not meant for anybody in particular, simply my opinion.
Ps : In Flames rule!
Yeah right, when I get new album, my first though is: "Wow, if this doesn't sound like TJR/Clayman/Blackwater park/Wages of sin/Division bell/whatever, I totally gonna hate it and go to some forum so I can spit all over this shit. Just then I press "play" button".

We all enjoy music, and if it is good we are going to like it. The again, Bottled or Scream are are not exactly good music.

Thing I hate is that it is always the fans who are close minded and thick. It's like In Flames have gone to writing 16 minute prog epics, and we can understand the complexity of such a masterpieces, when in fact, they have gone to writing cheesy pop metal singles (SOAPF is a return to form). Just not my thing. Somebody likes Lady Gaga, somebody doesn't. If In Flames turned all Lady Gaga-like, are we still thick and unable to understand "art"?

Dark Idea, this is not pointed on you. Just something I wanted to write as answer to quite a few posts on this forum. My opinion, nobody has to agree with it.
I loved ASOP when it came out, then took some time off and skipped the songs when I listened to my IF playlist on shuffle. But about a year or two ago I stopped skipping them and am back into it. Also, people have been saying that some of these new songs remind them of older IF songs which is cool and all. But I must say that, while I do see connections with older IF stuff (think A New Dawn and pretty much what everyone else has been saying) I don't actually think any of them make me think of another IF song in particular. I see that they took a lot of their older element and brought them to the present. But no IF song reminds me of any other IF song, and I think I'm pretty damn happy about it. I think it's impressive for a band to write 10 albums and not have two songs that sound the same to me.
Yeah right, when I get new album, my first though is: "Wow, if this doesn't sound like TJR/Clayman/Blackwater park/Wages of sin/Division bell/whatever, I totally gonna hate it and go to some forum so I can spit all over this shit. Just then I press "play" button".

We all enjoy music, and if it is good we are going to like it. The again, Bottled or Scream are are not exactly good music.

Thing I hate is that it is always the fans who are close minded and thick. It's like In Flames have gone to writing 16 minute prog epics, and we can understand the complexity of such a masterpieces, when in fact, they have gone to writing cheesy pop metal singles (thanks good SOAPF is return to form). Just not my thing. Somebody likes Lady Gaga, somebody doesn't. If In Flames turned all Lady Gaga-like, are we still thick and unable to understand "art"?

Dark Idea, this is not pointed on you. Just something I wanted to write as answer to quite a few posts on this forum. My opinion, nobody has to agree with it.

I'll agree with most of your post here, but don't say that Bottled isn't good music just because you don't like it. We all know most of you hate the song, but that doesn't mean it isn't good to someone else. Songs don't always have to be complex or mid- to up-tempo to be good. A lot of times, it's the simple things that work the best. As for Scream, I still think it's a good song, but I would say that it is their most "for the main public" song, more than ASOP.
Bottled and All For Me? :D

Just kidding. ;)

Haha. I know, that's what almost everyone is saying here. I really don't hear it. It doesn't have the same short second verse structure, there are dual-guitar verses. Maybe the riff before the first verse, but I'm still not really reminded of Bottled when I listen to it. I'm not saying you guys can't be, obviously.
Yeah man, riff is not that similar. I'm just joking. If we continue like this Bottled will get cult status. :D
"ASOP" as an individual album (as in not looking back into previous albums) it's pretty good. Sure it may be different, and the production may be dry, but I bet if they put some electronic stuff from "CC" and "STYE" and It would sound the same (relatively).

I'm going to say no to this :D The rest of your post is good though :rock:
I think it's impressive for a band to write 10 albums and not have two songs that sound the same to me.

Additionally, I think it's pretty impressive that although none of those songs sound the same, you can still tell it's IF after hearing about a 5 second clip of any song. Their sound is unique yet still evolving. I feel like Dark Tranquillity does this too.

Also, random, but does anyone else wish the Jester's door was about twice as long?
Additionally, I think it's pretty impressive that although none of those songs sound the same, you can still tell it's IF after hearing about a 5 second clip of any song. Their sound is unique yet still evolving. I feel like Dark Tranquillity does this too.

Also, random, but does anyone else wish the Jester's door was about twice as long?

Agreed. Also, I think Soilwork does a good job of this, too. And I like Jester's Door how it is. I do wish, however, that The Attic had more of a melodic solo at the end like it does in the beginning. I think that would have been cool.
I think i get where Dark idea is coming from... but lemme twist your words for my own purpose here...

Perhaps, instead of judging music and giving it 'scores out of 10', grading the albums, comparing them to the old stuff (many a 'old In Flames fan' favourite quote: "In Flames have sucked since Clayman!", i've read this hundreds of times on message boards and article comments etc) we should just enjoy the music for what it is. Obviously if you didn't like the music you wouldn't be listening to it.

Obviously ASOP being a bunch of 3-minute pop-metal (Lady Gaga anyone?), it's not as creative, immersive or deep as many of us want our metal music and it might not sound like Whoracle or Colony or melo-death, but the music is still enjoyed by huge amounts of people. I mean- it has to connect with some fans. Even Bottled has to! :D

BTW i like Ice cream!!! Jokes- i like Scream though, i'm a fan of so-called 'generic' metalcore music, and i think it's a catchy tune. Until you guys took the mickey out of it, even the chorus was great in my eyes!!!
Yeah, I'm pretty sure there is. But I'm not going to reveal his/her identity. One, because I'm not sure exactly who it is. Two, to save them the hatred and mockery and such from you guys.

That other person was me.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say: I like "Scream". A lot. Possibly my favorite track off Come Clarity. :mad:
Guys, people will tell you it is OK to like Bottled... but it's like people saying it's "OK" to dress up like a woman if you're a big hairy dude...

We all know it's not really OK :D