In Flames -Sounds of A Playground Fading (Upcoming 10th album)

Oh, noting. My bad. There is no STYE. Just forget about it... believe me. :D
Good... I'd hate for it to be an album with songs similar to "Bottled", which I always assumed was a joke cover of Korn or something :D
Nah man, Bottled was just a joke or something. Who would be mad enough to turn best melodeath around into some nu metal-electro korn wannabe thing...
Haha... on a more serious note, In Flames bringing out their new album has put me on a bit of an In Flames kick and I've been listening to all their stuff recently, from Lunar Strain to SOAPF... and it's kinda dampened my enthusiasm a little :D

I mean, I still like SOAPF and I don't think I'll grow to hate it the same way I do hate ASOP ... but man, it really doesn't touch any of their old stuff. Between 1996 - 2000 I genuinely do think In Flames were the best metal band in the world, and it fucking sucks that they lost that magic. I mean, I'm thankful for the albums that they put out during that time... but it'd be so amazing to just hear one more song from them that has the same majestic quality as Stand Ablaze, The Jester Race, Gyroscope, Jester Script Transfigured, Zombie Inc, Suburban Me ... I know it's not going to happen, but I know they still have the talent. Anders can still do those vocals and if he put his mind to it he could create brilliant lyrics again, Bjorn could create another Colony/Clayman-like song if he really wanted to. They could do it, they just don't want to... and although I respect their decision, it's also really hard to take :D
I like SOAPF. It's pleasant, but that's it. In Flames don't do music that goes over the top anymore. 1995-2000 was all about powerful stuff. When you think "this is the most awesome thing ever" they throw in another riff or melody that is even better. These days, their music is just pleasant. A New Dawn does bring a few memories back...

Were you around when they released Clayman? I wanted to know what were fans expecting after that one? (Certainly not modern, nu metal, whatever albums)
I first got into them just before R2R was released and I can remember there was huge concern that they were going to sell out. People felt that the signs were there in Clayman, and that the touring of America would open their eyes to the possibility of massive sales there and mean they'd gear their music towards that market.

When R2R came out shit really hit the fan, online anyway :D I can remember people were furious, I think it was worse than people had expected... or they had conditioned themselves to hear the worst in the album no matter what. One of my friends told me after listening to the title track he took the CD out, snapped it in half and threw it in the bin because he knew In Flames were dead :D I didn't like it either when it came out, but it grew on me quite quickly.

There was a lot, and I mean a lot of anger when STYE came out too. It was pretty much confirmation that the old In Flames was dead and buried, and people better get used to the new style or go away. It was during this time that Anders especially became very confrontational towards people criticising the band's direction. I think the reaction to R2R really hurt his pride, actually, and similar criticism to STYE really hardened him to any pleas the older fans were going to make in future.
Wow, just think about what could have been... A real melodeath album after Clayman. Fuck, I want it even now!

I always found Anders funny with all: "Yeah, we don't give a fuck about what fans think. We do it for ourselves. You know, Bjorn and Jesper actually love those 3 minute-chorus repeating - one chugging riff/no melody songs... Yeah, they did like some Iron maiden, Deep purple, old school death metal, thrash and stuff, but they really respect true music like Korn, Papa roach, Limp bizkit and more..."
Anders knows exactly what they chose to do, and I'd have more respect for him if he just came out and said straight: "We did this because this type of music sells better."

Instead we get shit about fans "not moving" to older songs, about how albums are "being made for a live environment (excluding vocals)", about how the riffs in the new albums "could be in TJR" ... there have been a lot of excuses over the years that nobody (well, except our good friend Krofius :D) really buys. Anders knows, just like we all really know, that In Flames purposefully altered their music into a more mainstream sound.

But here's the kicker - I don't think they sold out. Why? Because I think when they say they're making the music they like, they're not joking. Read Anders and Bjorn's interviews from back in the day... they like songs with catchy chorus's, their music tastes do not revolve around melodic death metal at all. The Iron-Maiden-fused-with-Death-Metal sound that was so wonderfully crafted in Colony & Clayman came primarily from Jesper. Similarly, the folk influences of the previous albums came from Jesper, at a time when neither Anders or Bjorn had great influence in the riffs or music direction of the band.

I do not think it is a coincidence that with success and simpler music came Jesper's personal downfall. I have nothing to support my belief in ways of factual evidence, but I do firmly believe that the idea of touring and playing those same "hits" over and over did depress Jesper. I think seeing what In Flames had become depressed him, even though from what I understand he did still write most of the material up until ASOP. Whether he felt pressured to produce that kind of music because of the way the band had become a success or whether Anders/Bjorn had a bigger influence than they're letting on I don't know, but I listen to Gyroscope and then I listen to Delight and Angers and no matter how much music taste evolves I do not believe Jesper had his heart in writing the newer stuff.
Man, are you my long lost twin brother? :D

I agree totally. Anders really does love this shit it seems, Bjorn not so much, but he has that hard rock-ish feel in his style, and this somehow fits with SOAPF, ASOP etc. Jesper...he was just miserable. On studio diaries he's like payed worker doing his regular job. 12 new songs coming up. Not once was he excited about something. When you do some new music you like, you usually get excited like a little girl if something turns up great.
I do not believe Jesper had his heart in writing the newer stuff.
yes,i agree with you, jesper have his side project dimension zero for a long time (since 1995) and now the resistance,as much as i heard the resistance will play death/thrash in similar style as dimension zero,i believe he missed old school,it seems that alcohol isnt the only problem he have.
Man, are you my long lost twin brother? :D

I agree totally. Anders really does love this shit it seems, Bjorn not so much, but he has that hard rock-ish feel in his style, and this somehow fits with SOAPF, ASOP etc. Jesper...he was just miserable. On studio diaries he's like payed worker doing his regular job. 12 new songs coming up. Not once was he excited about something. When you do some new music you like, you usually get excited like a little girl if something turns up great.

Haha... our opinions do seem to be scarily similar :D

You could see it on stage with Jesper. When the hits came on his eyes kind of glazed over, he was going through the motions. But when they played the older stuff... man, he changed. He came alive when the old stuff was played, I think this was the music he was proud of.

In Flames becoming popular meant Jesper was better off money-wise, but I think in other, more important ways, it really dragged him down. He never really enjoyed attention, you can see that from the lack of interviews he done throughout In Flames career. He did not really draw attention to himself on stage and his notable absence from many studio diary scenes also suggests he is a pretty introverted guy.

Unfortunately I think nowadays he is no longer inspired to make stuff like TJR/Whoracle. I think his current 'style' lies closer to the Colony/Clayman/DZ material than the TJR/Whoracle stuff. I will be very interested to hear what The Resistance comes up with.
I expect The Resistance will be just that. Resistance against this pop-ish stuff. Angry, death/thrash/HC record. After that, maybe in a few years he will do something I'll like. Melodies will come naturally. If he doesn't booze himself into oblivion.
Don't be too harsh on him man... if you had the creation of Bottled on your conscience you'd drink too :D
Don't be too harsh on him man... if you had the creation of Bottled on your conscience you'd drink too :D

Wow, that was just mean dude... Apologize to Jesper now. Last thing he needs is someone reminding him of Bottled.

I can almost imagine him playing Disconnected, and while Anders sings those memorable poetic lines, Jesper thinks: "You feel like shit!? I feel like shit man, I'm alcohol addict AND I must play this idiotic chorus. Life sucks."
Hearing Anders sing Disconnected live night after night must be a pretty harrowing experience :D

I would love for somebody to interview Jesper and ask his real thoughts on In Flames "progresssion". Although I think he'd still carefully word his answer, as he's still friends with the others.
Hearing Anders sing Disconnected live night after night must be a pretty harrowing experience :D

I would love for somebody to interview Jesper and ask his real thoughts on In Flames "progresssion". Although I think he'd still carefully word his answer, as he's still friends with the others.

He wrote the music with Björn and Anders, so of course his opinion is the same as the people still in the band. Did you know it was Jesper who wrote The Chosen Pessimist?
I kind of wonder just how supportive the rest of the band was concerning Jesper's alcoholism. I mean, they talk all the time about getting blitzed on tour, and now they even have their own whiskey!
Just because Jesper wrote most of the newer stuff, it doesnt mean that he wanted it to sound the way it sounds. When you are in a band like In Flames, and when you have families/children, you kinda have to think of how will your record sell. They can say that they make the music they like, and that they are evolving and how they dont give a shit about fans, but thats just bullshit. How come that their evolution is awfully one-way and predictable? You know that every album is going to be softer and softer, going further away from metal. Thats not evolution. Like someone said, I wish they would openly admit that they are doing this because it sells better. I would respect them much more. Sure, when you reach a certain age, you kinda drift apart from metal and you want to write/play something slightly more "mature", but IMHO its not happening.

But back to the point. When you are the main songwriter in a band, you have to take other people into accout. You try to make music that your bandmates will like, first and foremost. Even if he didnt want to go with this direction the band took (as I believe he didnt), the other guys were obviously into it, and he simply did it for them. At least it makes sense to me.

Dont get the wrong idea, this is not a rant. I like IF, but there are some things that just piss me off. Oh and I apologize if I dont make much sense, I just got home and I had a beer or five tonight :)