Yeah, I agree with everything you said. I read that DT thread as well a few months back, pretty interested and you are clearly more devoted to DT than I am
And I agree, I am a flamethrower at times, but yesterday I was just so damn mad, and when you go to last fm, IF's facebook page, and this unofficial forum and you see the same shit all the time, it gets under my skin.
It really doesn't matter what you say to the haters or skeptics, if you try to have an intellectual discussion, they just come up with the regular shit like, In Flames is trying to emulate korn, they are sellouts, they want to sell music to emo kids, etc etc, you really can't talk sense into them. I don't understand why people think it's so hard to understand why In Flames would not want to write the same music for 20 years. I'm pretty sure they would have disbanded years ago had they not been doing what they are doing now.
Calling IF sellouts and refering to the recent albums as evidence to support their claims is just plain ignorant and stupid. Nah, I'm tired of trying to convince ''less intellectually gifted'' people that In Flames is just doing their own thing and they don't care what anyone else thinks. Luckily and positively for me, I got soon to be 10 great albums to listen to, while they have 5-6. I just don't get why people bother hating so much.
Also about the sellout thing, people say it's sellout being on Guitar Hero III, I really don't see why. As an artist you'd want you music to be heard, why would you say no to getting your music exposed to a lot of new people that might end up fans? The whole point of making music is for people to hear it (at least mostly). I think all this talk about sellout all the time is really exaggerating, even with Linkin Park (that I myself hate), I don't people actually understands how much hard work is put in when creating music, performing it live. I think it would be hard for an band/artist to not play music they love live, it would not work in a longer span of time.
Anyways, I agree with your whole post. English is not my native language so sometimes I can't express myself the way I'd like to as I can't find the words needed, but I think it's pretty good anyway

I might lend some parts of your post in the future btw
You know I hate categorizing and all this shit

But in Sonic Syndicates defense (also one of my favorite bands) but the last album was a CROCK OF SHIT, or well, most of it was, and I don't think the future is good for SS now that Richard left due to the band and Nuclear Blast kinda backstabbing him. And in this case, we can actually talk about sellout, mostly due to Nuclear Blasts management's fault. I won't go into details and such as it's a long story, but this band actually did kinda sellout.
Anyways, their first album (Eden Fire) is actually MDM. I don't think there is anything to discuss about it, it is MDM. But after that, Only Inhuman & Love and other Disasters, they are more on the Melodic Metal/Metalcore/Modern Metal or whatever genre. But I still love(d) them. But the last album, We Rule The Night..holy fuck is that album an disappointment for me..there's only like 3 good songs on that one in my opinion, to much ballads and poppy sounding. And the label actually promoted them as the ''Modern sweden rockers''..sounds extremely gay.
Not meaning to get into a fight or anything, but their first album is one of my favorite albums ever actually, due to the heavy use of keyboards, which I love. Anyways, back on to the topic, even though there is nothing to discuss about at the moment.