In Flames -Sounds of A Playground Fading (Upcoming 10th album)

Putting aside the fact how I absolutely love Come Clarity, I can see what you mean about Anders' voice. That is one of the reasons why I cant really stand ASOP for more then 3 songs in a row, even though I really like his vocal lines on CC, especially when Reflect the Storm comes to mind. They are just quite differently produced, and vocal tone/colour is quite different. It just sometimes works, sometimes not so much.

But I must say that they amazed me how they sounded live when I heard them 2 years ago. All the ASOP songs work really well in live situation, guitars have that live rawness, and Anders uses growling and screaming a lot more than on the album. So for all those people who say his voice is cracking and that he cant growl/scream decently any more, you are absolutely wrong.

I completely agree with the last paragraph of your post though, I said that exact thing on the previous page. If they recorded ASOP with the TJR production quality, all the haters would probably start talking how awesome they again are :)

Regarding Sonic Syndicate - I liked their first album, even though it, in my humble opinion, didnt have any real value, depth or atmosphere, which are the most important things when it comes to music for me. But the songs were decent enough. Everything after it is bleak at best, especially the last album which would work better as a soundtrack for some porn than as a modern rock album (which it really is, since they officialy are done with any metal elements in their sound). Just my $0.02.
There are a lot of songs on Come Clarity that would actually make fans of Pre-RRtR In Flames happy. Stuff like Crawl Through Knives is pure Gothenburg. It's mostly just the bizarre vocal decisions that ruin songs. The production, however, does muffle some of the incredible riffs on that disc.

Also, one thing that I don't here remarked upon very often is that old IF never spent much time on pure rhythm. From Colony backwards, nearly every second of music is the "Iron Maiden does Death Metal" type of music that we often think of as MDM. Starting on Clayman, you have songs (Bullet Ride, Clayman, Pinball Map) which have long stretches of riffs that are very rhythmic, bot not particularly melodic. Granted, I was defending that same shift in DT's music not long ago, so I think that it can be done well. However, I sometimes find that verses in new IF songs don't particularly grab me. This is a compositional thing, so it can change in an instant. I'll have to give the new material a listen.
There are a lot of songs on Come Clarity that would actually make fans of Pre-RRtR In Flames happy. Stuff like Crawl Through Knives is pure Gothenburg. It's mostly just the bizarre vocal decisions that ruin songs. The production, however, does muffle some of the incredible riffs on that disc.

Also, one thing that I don't here remarked upon very often is that old IF never spent much time on pure rhythm. From Colony backwards, nearly every second of music is the "Iron Maiden does Death Metal" type of music that we often think of as MDM. Starting on Clayman, you have songs (Bullet Ride, Clayman, Pinball Map) which have long stretches of riffs that are very rhythmic, bot not particularly melodic. Granted, I was defending that same shift in DT's music not long ago, so I think that it can be done well. However, I sometimes find that verses in new IF songs don't particularly grab me. This is a compositional thing, so it can change in an instant. I'll have to give the new material a listen.

I just think IF's newer music needs more listens to understand the music. There is a lot of things going on in the background in the songs, different layers, hidden synth lines that are barely audible until after many listens.
Stuff like that is what makes me love songs.

But I think it's pretty obvious that after Clayman IF wanted to do something different than the Gothenburg sound, and I can definitely understand them. It had already been done, and so many bands was starting to do it, I don't think IF just wanted to be just a band in the mix with 1000 other similar bands. I mean, he did the ''mumbly-talk'' thing for 4 albums, I'm sure it got tiring doing the same shit all the time. But they have definitely not abandoned 100% of their ''Old style'', I can still hear Old IF nowadays in songs. The thing that has changed the most is obviously the vocals. But he changes both his scream and his clean vocals A LOT each album so it will be interesting what approach he uses this time.

His tone in ASOP doesn't really annoy me, I've grown to like it. I think The Chosen Pessimist is IF's best ballad by fucking far. Every time I hear the last 2-3 minutes of the song I get shivers down my spine. And Drenched In Fear.. that intro tremolo riff is just brilliant.

About the technicality of their music, I don't really pay attention to that, but they have definitely gotten more technical over the years, at least according to them. When a guy asked what songs are the easiest to play if you are learning to play guitar Peter answered that the dude should start with the early stuff at least..
Well, IF's music always had tons of layers, but nowadays they mostly use synths and effects, when, for an example, on TJR you had like 5 guitars in every song. Most of those were just harmonies, but nonetheless. Which is one of the reasons why they never really wanted to play those songs live, because they dont work with just one lead guitar.

@stizzleomnibus thats pretty good observation, really. They definetely got some groove going on with the Clayman. They swiched to the more rhythmic use of the power chords/root notes, often without any melody layered over them. Which is actually one of the (rare) things that I dont like about old IF stuff - rhythm guitar doesnt really have any interesting patterns going on. Its typical NWOBHM stuff, when its not melodic tremolo riffs.

I agree that they got more technical with the time, but 99% of their stuff is still quite simple to play, really. Neither Bjorn or Jesper are technical players or shredders :)

On topic, I hope that the new album will have a bit more of acoustic/clean guitars parts. That is one of the things ASOP lacked a lot.
In Flames always changes something and I think it's good. Just think about it...playing the same material would be so boring. if somebody likes only the "old In Flames" just listen it...but I think In Flames goes on the right path. Because of IF's changing style everyone can find something in their music to love. Either the screaming or the clean vocals..either the darker parts or the ease ones...etc.
I never looked at Lunar - Clayman to be "sounding the same". They are all very very diverse albums.
They weren't sounding the same, there were already people bitching about them sounding different way back at Colony.

What you people mean is that In Flames wanted to step out of the gothenburg sound into a different territory, but doing gothenburg does not mean they're doing the same thing. Their pre-reroute albums still sounded very evolved from one another.

As for IF's best ballad, I think Satellites and Astronauts takes the cake for me.
It pisses me of though when people hear Dawn Of A New Day and are like "derp what is this mallcore soft rock shit".
They're obviously fucking posers because it's a ballad, of course it's soft, all metal bands do it, and since you couldn't tell it was a fucking ballad, you're not a true metal fan. (to the people who say stuff like that not to anyone in this topic)
I never looked at Lunar - Clayman to be "sounding the same". They are all very very diverse albums.
They weren't sounding the same, there were already people bitching about them sounding different way back at Colony.

What you people mean is that In Flames wanted to step out of the gothenburg sound into a different territory, but doing gothenburg does not mean they're doing the same thing. Their pre-reroute albums still sounded very evolved from one another.

As for IF's best ballad, I think Satellites and Astronauts takes the cake for me.
It pisses me of though when people hear Dawn Of A New Day and are like "derp what is this mallcore soft rock shit".
They're obviously fucking posers because it's a ballad, of course it's soft, all metal bands do it, and since you couldn't tell it was a fucking ballad, you're not a true metal fan. (to the people who say stuff like that not to anyone in this topic)

Yes I agree, LS-Clayman was also very different between each album. I wasn't around back then but I know that when they released Whoracle, A LOT of people whined because it's very different from TJR.

About the guitar melodies and such, I know that they've ditched some guitar melodies and replaced them with vocal melodies instead. The only ballad of IF I don't really like is Metaphor, though I love the violin part in the song. Best ballad for me is The Chosen Pessimist, followed by Satellites and Dawn of A New Day. I've always seen Dawn of A New Day as a mysterious song, at least it gives me that feeling.
I don't understand why people complain about a band changing it's style. It's one thing to prefer heavier vocals like screaming over clean vocals, but how can you blame a band for wanting to change? For gods sake its their tenth album. Who wants to write ten albums without changing it up a bit? ASOP might not of been traditional in flames, but that certainly doesn't make any worse. In fact its quite good, and I'm sure the new album will do just the same. Glad most people here actually realize change can and in many cases is a good thing for bands. Anyone who expected this album to sound anything like their older stuff only set themselves up to be disappointed. Anyway, new album name is awesome and the 1:30 "instrumental" piece sounds awesome. Can't wait.
I agree 100% with you. People must be open minded and forget about the old material. This is the new In Flames.
Yeah, there's definitely no room to try to hope for anything being saturated with old influence. You'll maybe find some songs that edge towards the old a bit, but it will never, ever, end up as something you could put on their older albums. You have to stop expecting the old, and either check out their new direction, or just give up and leave the band alone if you don't like their new direction.

I have to admit I haven't liked ASOP that much, being brutally honest, it's my least favorite In Flames album, but I've finally been returning back to it to finally accept it. It has a nice hard rock feel to it, and I shouldn't be looking for old In Flames in these albums.
Least favorite? How much do you like soundtrack? At least ASOP had really good solo and acoustic moments...Soundtrack was one hunk of dog feces! I despise that album. Come Clarity is decent. I'll rate them : )

Lunar Strain - 6/10
Subterranean - 8/10
The Jester Race - 10/10
Whoracle - 8.5/10
Colony - 9/10
Clayman - 6.5/10
Reroute to Remain - 8/10
Soundtrack to your Escape - 2/10
Come Clarity - 7/10
A Sense of Purpose - 5/10
Hey good idea of a new topic to rate the albums. Here's my personal opinion:

Lunar Strain - 4/10
Subterranean - 7/10
The Jester Race - 9/10
Whoracle - 9.5/10
Colony - 8.5/10
Clayman - 9/10
Reroute To Remain - 8/10
Soundtrack To Your Escape - 7/10
Come Clarity - 9/10
A Sense Of Purpose - 9/10
Sounds Of A Playground Fading - 8/10 (Pre-rate)

I don't think Lunar Strain is bad, I just don't really listen to it that much. I also think STYE is IS an very aggressive album, just that it has A LOT of synths and samples, so if you're not really into that I can understand why you don't like it. But I mean, the opener, F(r)iend..
I think it's one of the absolute heaviest IF songs ever, and a good one. Just for fun I'll pre-rate SOAPF and see if I agree with it in a couple of months.
I'm a bit iffy on the title for this one. It's not necessarily bad, but it wasn't like anything I was expecting, so it takes a bit of adjusting.

As far as there being more clean vocals, I'm also a bit anxious. I'm not a big fan of Anders' singing voice, so I get the feeling I won't like SoaPF as much. Still, there's a lot of other factor that'll go into the album, so I won't make a definite decision until I've given it a couple listens.

I rate the other albums:
Lunar Strain - 6.5/10
Subterranean - 6/10
The Jester Race - 8.5/10
Whoracle - 9.5/10
Colony - 8/10
Clayman - 9/10
Reroute To Remain - 9/10
Sountrack To Your Escape - 8/10
Come Clarity - 7/10
A Sense of Purpose - 7.5/10
I'll probably give this album a listen at some point, whenever it's released, but I won't be looking out for it. In Flames 1994 - 2002 is enough for me. I've accepted they don't want to make that type of music anymore and have totally lost interest in their new material. Kind of sad as they were my favourite band for some time, but they've moved on and I'm not going to stick around and abuse them for going in another direction. Good luck to 'em, it's just not for me.

Fact is, they couldn't create another TJR or Clayman even if they wanted to (and they definitely don't). They want that image eliminated, partially because those pesky older albums take up spaces on the setlist where newer songs can go, and partially because the older songs especially are harsh on Anders' voice. He's been growling non-stop on tours for years now, I'm not surprised he's moving away from that now to try and preserve what's left of his voice.

As aforementioned, I'll be mildly interested in this purely due to the fact that In Flames are the band that got me into metal, but I won't be expecting much. Anybody expecting anything different to STYE or ASOP is kidding themselves, and needs to find another band to follow.
I can understand the frustration that both sides have. On one hand, some people come here looking to chat about new In Flames stuff that they like and they constantly have to go through post after post about how In Flames is no good anymore. As someone who (kinda) went through this around the STYE era, where I actually liked some songs and couldn't have a decent conversation about it.. I know.. it's annoying.. but arguing is futile. The haters will never go away, so you might as well just ignore them.

The reason that they'll never go away is because there will always be people who remember what it was like to hear Jester Race and Colony for the first time, back when nothing like these albums ever existed before .. where it was just totally mind-blowing. For me, when I heard the 90's In Flames albums it was life-altering. It was one of those musical experiences where you hear something just so amazing that you can't put it into words. And I know that there were TONS of other people who felt the same way, just based on how obsessed the fans were back then at concerts and online, and also by virtue of the fact that they keep posting pissed off messages this many years later.. I mean, I can imagine it's one thing to hear them for the first time now as a young lad, when you've probably already heard Dragonforce on Guitar Hero and other popular metal, but back then.. nothing like In Flames existed .. or at least, people didn't have the internet, so they hadn't heard anything like it before. It was crazy awesome and I still get chills thinking about it. What made In Flames special is that they had 4 or 5 albums that accomplished this experience.

As much as I can understand people enjoying the new stuff, for most people who are in the same boat as me, the fact that the new stuff doesn't give you that feeling that the old stuff did, is understandably frustrating. It could even be no fault of In Flames (IMO I'm being generous here), cause its a lot harder to innovate and create that wow factor after 20 years of making music, in an established genre.

For me it's just sad. It makes me feel old (lol), and makes me depressed when I hear a new In Flames album and it sounds (imo) average or even good. It makes me think of better times when their music really swept me away and it's a reminder that that feeling is probably not coming back. So even though some of the comments seem to just be rude and not add anything to the discussion, try to remember that In Flames is no ordinary band to many people.. and we are only human, and don't always handle anger/frustration/sadness rationally. Not making excuses for it, just trying to add some perspective. :dopey:
Shifting unit$ and fame talks for these guys - nothing else. Sell-outs of the worst kind, they betrayed their audience 100%.
Time to hang it up, they have runied their amazing legacy enough already. This is going to be yet another steaming pile of horrible, uninspired boring crap.
Seriously, how can anyone defend the indefensible?
Shifting unit$ and fame talks for these guys - nothing else. Sell-outs of the worst kind, they betrayed their audience 100%.
Time to hang it up, they have runied their amazing legacy enough already. This is going to be yet another steaming pile of horrible, uninspired boring crap.
Seriously, how can anyone defend the indefensible?
Of all the trolls I've seen, you've GOT to be one of the absolute worst ones.
Come back with something better next time
God, I am loving some of the debates going on right now. As if only one type of music ever has, and ever will exist.

There are many different genres of music in the world so everyone has something to enjoy. I have never seen a reason to blast someone, or a particular band/group/project simply because I do not enjoy it.

Also, if a band continued to make music to please a particular group of fans as opposed to themselves, then wouldn't that truly make them sellouts? In a world where people thrive on their personal originality, why would they ever want a band, actor, writer or what have you do something to specifically please a certain group of people? That wouldn't be who they are, it would be who everyone else wants them to be. In turn, if they went against what they wanted to do and made The Jester Race II to please the old-school fans, then THAT would make them sellouts.
Hmm... not sure about the new record. The last one was boring as hell. And the title is just stupid, no offense.
Oh yeah, Jesper is out, so think what the hell you want, that dude was heart and a soul of that band! Without him, can't expect too much!
But what the hell, I would like to hear a good new In Flames record after all this wasted years and albums.

Still hoping for new Dimension Zero album though, they rock way better than In Flames these days :D

Hell yeah, long live Jesper!
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