In Flames -Sounds of A Playground Fading (Upcoming 10th album)

Hmm... not sure about the new record. The last one was boring as hell. And the title is just stupid, no offense.
Oh yeah, Jesper is out, so think what the hell you want, that dude was heart and a soul of that band! Without him, can't expect too much!
But what the hell, I would like to hear a good new In Flames record after all this wasted years and albums.

Still hoping for new Dimension Zero album though, they rock way better than In Flames these days :D

Hell yeah, long live Jesper!
Dimension Zero is coming out with an album in 2011 actually. Late 2011 I guess though..

God, I am loving some of the debates going on right now. As if only one type of music ever has, and ever will exist.

There are many different genres of music in the world so everyone has something to enjoy. I have never seen a reason to blast someone, or a particular band/group/project simply because I do not enjoy it.

Also, if a band continued to make music to please a particular group of fans as opposed to themselves, then wouldn't that truly make them sellouts? In a world where people thrive on their personal originality, why would they ever want a band, actor, writer or what have you do something to specifically please a certain group of people? That wouldn't be who they are, it would be who everyone else wants them to be. In turn, if they went against what they wanted to do and made The Jester Race II to please the old-school fans, then THAT would make them sellouts.
100% agree, very good post. Exactly what I think as well. Even Peter said so, that what would be sellout is if they listened to all the people screaming they should make another TJR.
Dimension Zero is coming out with an album in 2011 actually. Late 2011 I guess though...

Where did you get that from?
Tell me something more if you know...

Back in the 2008. they announced that the songwriting for the new album started but nothing happened so far.
Last year I asked Daniel if they are going to the studio soon and he said that there are no plans yet.
I got into In Flames when I was 14, I'm 24 now I remember a time when Tokyo Showdown was the new release, I wanna hear something that resembles metal again...I'm listening to Everdying and headbanging...I do enjoy new In Flames but they haven't made me headbang since 2002 lol. I love Reroute will defend it til I die but everything after is hit or miss.
Guys, see what this new/old IF debate has degraded us to? We're ripping and tearing like wild animals in here! ;)

Anyway, i got into In Flames a few years ago with these exact songs- Leeches, Reflect the Storm and Crawl through Knives. Liking this entire album i went back and have bought nearly the whole collection of their albums- an have enjoyed them all to a varying degree. Getting into their later material and working backwards has allowed me to have an open mind, i can say i like Colony (my favourite album of the 90's era IF) as much as i like Come Clarity and Sense of Purpose.

I think one thing people are mistaking is heaviness making a song, a good song (those who think that need to open their eyes/minds a bit, although i must say i like the heavier/darker spectrum of music).

The old IF albums may be heavier, with mostly growled vocals and less melodic guitars, but they just aren't as 'strong' as albums such as STYE and Come Clarity where all songs are stand-outs and become difficult to pick out individual weaker ones. Whereas take Clayman for example and many of the songs feel a little like 'filler' material and drag the albums down.
Where did you get that from?
Tell me something more if you know...

Back in the 2008. they announced that the songwriting for the new album started but nothing happened so far.
Last year I asked Daniel if they are going to the studio soon and he said that there are no plans yet.
Well, a guy said he had interviewed Daniel, and he had said that they were going into studio in 2011..but I think it seems logical, Jesper having taken a break from touring for 2 years now, he must've written some music in this time.
And I'm sure Daniel will have a month or two break this year from touring with DT, to record the album.
The old IF albums may be heavier, with mostly growled vocals and less melodic guitars, but they just aren't as 'strong' as albums such as STYE and Come Clarity where all songs are stand-outs and become difficult to pick out individual weaker ones. Whereas take Clayman for example and many of the songs feel a little like 'filler' material and drag the albums down.

Less melodic guitars? I think older In Flames is much more musically melodic while newer depends more on vocal melodies to create the hooks. I got into In Flames a few months before R2R was released so I was a huge fan during their "transition period" so I know both worlds very well and I would have to say that the older IF is much better because of the same reason you stated the new albums are better. The songs are all stand-outs and have absolutely no filler at all whereas Come Clarity and ASOP are absolute filler albums with the first track being the only one worth anything.
Less melodic guitars? I think older In Flames is much more musically melodic while newer depends more on vocal melodies to create the hooks. I got into In Flames a few months before R2R was released so I was a huge fan during their "transition period" so I know both worlds very well and I would have to say that the older IF is much better because of the same reason you stated the new albums are better. The songs are all stand-outs and have absolutely no filler at all whereas Come Clarity and ASOP are absolute filler albums with the first track being the only one worth anything.

Well i think of heaviness as actuall riffs- heavy, deep guitar rythm and more of an aggressive fast pace (depends what your definition of heavy is) but yeah you're right the latest albums seems to be based around the vocals- but on Come Clarity i found the balance between riffs/solos/vocals/drums perfect, and cannot find a fault with any songs being filler (although the last track on the album has 'filler' in it, with that fuzzy news broadcast at the beginning). Every 'old' IF album i listen to seems to scream filler- Whoracle has the dreadful Gyroscope, dialogue with the stars and everything counts, Clayman has satellites and astronauts (yawn), the future repeats today, square nothing. Don't get me wrong i'm still a massive fan of the other tracks on these albums, i'd much prefer it if Sounds of a Playground Fading was more similar to Come Clarity than Whoracle (which neither will happen of course). Obviously we have our own opinions of what is strong, quality music! :D

Does anyone else hate it when a band keeps changing their sound with each album? I find it jars on the ears when albums are so different to each other... i've found this with quite a few metal bands...
...Whoracle has the dreadful Gyroscope, dialogue with the stars and everything counts, Clayman has satellites and astronauts...

No offense man, but I stopped reading there. Gyroscope and Satelites are some of IF's best songs. I am trying to stay objective as much as I can here, but there is still a line somewhere :p
Well i think of heaviness as actuall riffs- heavy, deep guitar rythm and more of an aggressive fast pace (depends what your definition of heavy is) but yeah you're right the latest albums seems to be based around the vocals- but on Come Clarity i found the balance between riffs/solos/vocals/drums perfect, and cannot find a fault with any songs being filler (although the last track on the album has 'filler' in it, with that fuzzy news broadcast at the beginning). Every 'old' IF album i listen to seems to scream filler- Whoracle has the dreadful Gyroscope, dialogue with the stars and everything counts, Clayman has satellites and astronauts (yawn), the future repeats today, square nothing. Don't get me wrong i'm still a massive fan of the other tracks on these albums, i'd much prefer it if Sounds of a Playground Fading was more similar to Come Clarity than Whoracle (which neither will happen of course). Obviously we have our own opinions of what is strong, quality music! :D

Does anyone else hate it when a band keeps changing their sound with each album? I find it jars on the ears when albums are so different to each other... i've found this with quite a few metal bands...

wtf :D
What do you mean by wtf? My classification of what makes a song heavy? Or my dumb-ass question at the end?

'Cus you surely can't be saying you like Satellites and Astronauts aswell??? :Spin:

Mate, I'm genuinely open to almost any opinion, but to call songs like Gyroscope, Satellites & Astronauts, Dialogue with the Stars, As The Future Repeats Today and Square Nothing "filler" is just ridiculous. Especially when contrasting it by calling Come Clarity "perfect" and saying all of STYE's songs are "stand out" ... if you're trolling then congrats cos your post made me laugh, but if not... well, I suggest you keep listening until your opinion changes pal :D
Though, I kinda agree about As The Future Repeats Today, I think it's a really dull song, nothing interesting going on. And it also has literally the same sample/keyboard sound as in Clayman (song), kinda feels like a filler (although I know it isn't). All other songs he listed though I don't agree as filler. I don't think they've ever had an intention to make a ''filler'' song on any album.
Though, I kinda agree about As The Future Repeats Today, I think it's a really dull song, nothing interesting going on. And it also has literally the same sample/keyboard sound as in Clayman (song), kinda feels like a filler (although I know it isn't). All other songs he listed though I don't agree as filler. I don't think they've ever had an intention to make a ''filler'' song on any album.

I can see where you're coming from to an extent, but I absolutely love ATFRT. I don't think it gets anywhere near the respect it deserves... the lyrics are extremely powerful and screamed with real passion, the guitars are tight throughout the song and the verses are extremely well structured. Great little solo towards the end of the song, too. Guess it's just down to my taste more than anything else, but it's one of my favourties off Clayman.
I too have to agree with saying As The Future Repeats Today is quite close to being filler. It is quite boring and there are a number of tracks on Clayman that are forgettable.

But Gyroscope? Jesus have mercy! That is a beauty of a track. I cannot believe the riffs and melodies on that beauty. What a song that is. Nothing they have recorded since Clayman is even comparable to Gyroscope.
Why is it that the only real activity is right before and right after an album release? Its like the Pent-Decade flame war and debate over the silliest of things.
Don't know man. Great question. Because no one wants to start discussing the good things there is no fun in that. Just destroying each other in a flame war over the way they've changed.

Is there any word yet when we'll get a sample of the new album?
Why is it that the only real activity is right before and right after an album release? Its like the Pent-Decade flame war and debate over the silliest of things.

It's only since the newer albums that trend has started. The most obvious reason is that the newer albums simply have no real substance and after a couple of months there's nothing left to talk about in regards to them, whilst the older albums have been out for so long that most of the older fans have either lost interest in In Flames or have no more questions or need to debate those albums.
I listened through the whole of Come Clarity yesterday- something i rarely do with an In Flames album. Every song is different and each one is a stand-out. I can understand why people don't like Anders' clean vocals- they are often over produced and sound quite whiney. But when you look at a chorus like Leeches, it's hard not to believe "It hurts", there's alot of meaning behind his lyrics when he sings that way. I also like the break-downs in Come Clarity. It's a breath of fresh air to hear Jesper/Bjorn's guitar style adapted into a more modern sound.

What is everyone's favourite IF album? From the early IF-era my favourite is Colony (a masterpiece) and, from late-era, is Come Clarity (most of ASOP is drivel).

And... i have no idea why i said As the Future repeats Today was filler- it's a great song. But i'll always hit the skip button when Square Nothing and Satellites and Astronauts come on!