The Bringer
It sure is underrated. A few songs really miss especially near the end of the album but the first seven songs are awesome. I wonder why they don't play that many tracks live from it. I think it was a great transition album.
wow! it sounds cool!
Of all the trolls I've seen, you've GOT to be one of the absolute worst ones.
Come back with something better next time
Many bands lose many fans along the way of their career, it's inevitable. And again, the resemblence between Jonathan Davis and Anders, was the dreads, nothing else. None of IF's music sound anything close to Korns music, and if you know IF as you claim too, you'd know that.No trolling my friend. I was into In Flames almost from the start - but they have lost me and many, many others. If Anders wants to be in a sub-par Korn rip-off then he should start another freaking band and leave this one alone.
How can you defend what they have become? Seriously, they were cutting they just follow the leader...bland, boring, stale, uninspired, commercial horror![]()
Many bands lose many fans along the way of their career, it's inevitable. And again, the resemblence between Jonathan Davis and Anders, was the dreads, nothing else. None of IF's music sound anything close to Korns music, and if you know IF as you claim too, you'd know that.
Is that really the best argument you have? That In Flames is a ''sub-par Korn rip-off''? Allow me to laugh.
How I can defend what they've become? Because I think they have the reight to do whatever music they want to do. They do not owe you, me, or anyone else anything. We both know that the ''THEY SOLD OUT'' is just something you say because you are lacking any other arguments.
Selling out would be if they listened to everyone screaming that they should make another TJR or Whoracle. It would also create sub-par music. Selling out is not when you create the music that YOU want to create, without giving a fuck what anyone else thinks, that's the opposite of selling out. You got it all mixed up.
Now, you can enjoy whatever music you like and I can enjoy whatever music I like, just please, stop coming here with the same old bullshit I've heard hundreds of times, it's getting annoying.
If In Flames is not underground enough for you, they clearly isn't your type of band anymore. They have undoubtedly been writing original music their whole career, it's too bad you do not like it.
Have a nice day.
Erik Erna said:I think Subterranean is criminally underrated, EP or not.
Yes people screamed all the way back at Whoracle (maybe not that they sold out). But because when Whoracle came out a lot of people complained cause it is very different sounding from TJR.Good post that. I don't understand the In Flames/Korn comparisons at all. They sound nothing alike, vocally or musically.
I don't particularly agree with the direction In Flames have gone but at the end of the day it's their choice. They're under no obligation to anybody to keep bringing out music they're not interested in making anymore. Whether they've 'sold out' or not is irrelevant, if they want to go in the direction they're going then they're free to do that.
Hell, people screamed sellout at Colony and Clayman. I very much doubt In Flames give a fuck at this point.
Unfortunately the production on Reroute in a huge negative in my eyes... they buried a lot of excellent riffs under muddy production and I don't know why. They were going for a different sound but you really have to struggle to hear some of the best moments of R2R, which is a shame.