In Flames -Sounds of A Playground Fading (Upcoming 10th album)

Ok guys, the two track of today on are "All For Me" and "The Puzzle".

‎"3. All For Me

Kinda like "Sounds Of A Playground Fading", acoustic intro followed by an heavy riff, down tuned, simple but really efficient ! There always are numerous electro beats by the keyboards. The rythm is mid-tempo and the mood a bit dark and melancholic, like the whole album tone. Then brilliant atmospheric keys appear with a small solo and spoken words working very well, one of the strongest passage off the album. However the frame (structure?) remains classic.

4. The Puzzle

Starts like a tornado, riffs and screamed vocals remind of the Come Clarity album. There is brutality and melancholic blackness, in a very straight way. There is another excellent solo, and atmospheric keys calming down the track, with electro beats and roaring bass."
Ok guys, the two track of today on are "All For Me" and "The Puzzle".

‎"3. All For Me

Kinda like "Sounds Of A Playground Fading", acoustic intro followed by an heavy riff, down tuned, simple but really efficient ! There always are numerous electro beats by the keyboards. The rythm is mid-tempo and the mood a bit dark and melancholic, like the whole album tone. Then brilliant atmospheric keys appear with a small solo and spoken words working very well, one of the strongest passage off the album. However the frame (structure?) remains classic.

4. The Puzzle

Starts like a tornado, riffs and screamed vocals remind the Come Clarity album. There is brutality and melancholic blackness, in a very straight way. There is another excellent solo, and atmospheric keys calming down the track, with electro beats and roaring bass."

I read another track by track guide that was removed and Anders said that All For Me is one of In Flames heaviest tracks to date. Do you agree with that?

I guess you heard that promo. Can you tell us something 'bout song structures? It seems they only do intro-verse-chorus-verse-chorus-solo-chorus songs now.
Yeah too bad it was removed.

Unfortunately, as I said earlier, I should receive a promo soon so I haven't heard it yet, only one of MSF administrators has listened to the promo and he's only playing it to friends at its home (fair enough), but I live too far from him. However, I'm going to ask him your questions and forward the answer. Be patient :)
In the two songs from SOAPF we've heard thus far, I can clearly hear that the band more worked as a band, actually, than in ASOP. I don't know if you heard that, but the bass guitar is completely in the front and it has an awesome sound in both songs (you can hear the sound really really clearly in the last verse of the title track, at 03:27, and you can also hear it clearly in the Deliver Us chorus). Daniel did an awesome work in the verse of both songs, the drums really come along with the lyrics. Björn improved himself on both solos, and both are just great. To finish with, lyrics are fucking epic, a huge work has been done on the vocals, and the electronic ambiance is strong. They took their time to work on a lot of details and I think, it's just my opinion but I think that the hole album will just make sense, as an IN FLAMES album, and as their 10th album too.

Yeah I love that bassline around 3:27 when he says ''What put us here in the first place'', really audible and awesome. I think the production is simply awesome and one of their best yet, every instrument is heard well.
FUCK the anticipation is building!!!!
I so want to hear All For Me, Anders claimed it was one of their heaviest tracks ever, and one of his best vocal performances as well. LEAK NOW.
FUCK the anticipation is building!!!!
I so want to hear All For Me, Anders claimed it was one of their heaviest tracks ever, and one of his best vocal performances as well. LEAK NOW.

You need to break in IF Studios and steal whole album at least you are closest to them than rest of us :D:D:D
Yeah too bad it was removed.

Unfortunately, as I said earlier, I should receive a promo soon so I haven't heard it yet, only one of MSF administrators has listened to the promo and he's only playing it to friends at its home (fair enough), but I live too far from him. However, I'm going to ask him your questions and forward the answer. Be patient :)

Since they're sending out promos instead of having private listening parties, this could leak very soon. Hmmmmmm Cyber, are you in an EXTRA giving mood by some very lucky chance chance? :D
Another review:
FUCK why am I even reading this...Only makes me mad I don't have the album in my possession yet. They gave it a really high rating though. Just read it all...Omg the songs seem so fucking awesome. Really looking forward to A New Dawn now, fucking violins!

Krofius, you are an evil, evil man... ;)

After reading a review this positive, I can't wait for this album to come out. Could be the best thing since Clayman. Looks like I was right about The Jester's Door - all Anders and keyboards. A few songs sound very promising. i fucking love violins and stuff. Plus, it seem like they gave much more time to clean sounds and melodies this time, which is absolutely great.