In Flames -Sounds of A Playground Fading (Upcoming 10th album)

It's really difficult to put the albums into a list as each album has something special about it. If I would, I think it would look something like this:

1. Whoracle
I love the guitars, the harmonies and the apocalyptic feel.

2. Soundtrack To Your Escape
I like the dark, atmospheric sound and the processed vocals which
enhance that feeling.

3. Clayman
Every instrument is crystal clear and it's overall a very clean and mature
sound to it.

4. Colony
Lovely melodies and features one of In Flames best solos (Zombie Inc).
However, I think it's a little too much treble and the album loses some of its depth.

5. Come Clarity
The album which sounds most pure metal. Heavy and intense.

6. Reroute to Remain
Some of the songs are really great almost classics, but some songs
are better than others.

7. The Jester Race
Great songs but I prefer Whoracle's sound.

8. Lunar Strain
I'm not a fan of Stanne's vocals on Lunar Strain. Overall I think this album sounds a bit like a demo.
Subterranean is better. Stand Ablaze is great.

9. A Sense of Purpose
It's an okay album but made almost no impression on me. Nothing really stands out.
1. Clayman 10/10
2. Colony 10/10
3. The Jester Race + Subterranean 10/10
4. Whoracle + Black Ash Inheritance 9/10
5. Come Clarity 7.5/10
6. RTR 7/10
7. ASOP 6/10
8. Lunar Strain 5/10
9. STYE 5/10

Great discography!
RTR was the first album in the evolution of the new In Flames but also the last to hold a good abundance of the old magic - you just have to look a lot harder to find it.

This this this.
Reroute had some killer melodies to it. The music was very fun.
And yes, Reroute is probably their most positive-vibe album. Instead of a bunch of songs about feeling like shit or whatever, it's more of instructions on how to move yourself forward.
If we're doing lists...

1. Colony
All songs are awesome, love the fast energetic style.

2. Whoracle
Incredible vocals and I love the dark tone of the album.

3. Clayman
Amazing set of songs but has a couple I usually skip, vocals starting to go here.

4. Come Clarity
Fanastic mix of old/new, energetic, heavy and intense, would have loved IF to have stuck to this style.

5. Reroute to Remain
Good album but suffers from a sightly muddy production and a few too many songs.

6. The Jester Race
Has some lovely melodies and good songs but for me not as good as most seem to think.

7. A Sense of Purpose
Lackluster production and half-ass vocals, has some good songs though.

8. Soundtrack to your Escape
Apart from a few good songs very mediocre, easily their weakest album, production makes it even worse.
I edited my post, modified my list and did something similar to you serbusfish. It is more interesting to read some thoughts about each album.
Reroute is probably the most underrated In Flames album ever. It got massive ammout of bad criticism because it was totally unexpected and a lot different to Clayman, but I personally love it. Its the album that got me into IF, and (at least to my ears) has a very nostalgic vibe in the melodies and choruses, something they never achieved again IMHO. The only bad thing is that muddy production. And whenever I listen to the whole RTR, I like to listen the Come Clarity right after. Its basicaly a much faster and agressive RTR with a bit darker image.
Isn't it a instrumental track just that Anders speaks as well?
The impression I get of the song is that it's like the verses in Jester Script Transfigured, but obviously different.

The translation was good enough so there isn't really anything I'll have to correct...But there is a HUGE In Flames interview in the magazine as well, and there is lots of things about Jespers departure, what led to it, background etc, Jesper explaining himself + the IF members at the same time which is the most interesting part IMO (except the great news that there is some demos coming up from The Resistance soon).

EDIT: Visited the site and read the interview with Björn, he apparently contributed some lyrics to the new album, AWESOME!

Yeah, I'm working on these 5-6 pages about IF too! Should be done by Thursday :)
My list is essentially this:

Loved the melodies and the sheer amount of passion that clearly went into it.

I loved the modern sound they started incorporating, and Swim is still one of my favorite songs of all time

Reroute To Remain
There's some faults, but overall the whole album just feels really cohesive and I really enjoyed the different direction it took.

The Jester Race
Nearly a masterpiece, thought there are a few songs that just don't have the "grab you and hold you" vibe I get from the rest of 'em

Soundtrack To Your Escape
I really really like the aesthetic of it all. Everything feels very eccentric and it keeps its atmosphere steady to whole time. If "Bottled" weren't so boring it'd be higher up.

I absolutely loved the organs on here, but it just doesn't have the "oomph" in the albums that are higher up. Still, I love "Ordinary Story" to death.

Come Clarity
There's some really nice songs, but it just feels uneven. There'll be a good track followed directly by a bad track, and it just feels a little too discordant.

A Sense Of Purpose
More than a few weak tracks, and Anders really comes off as sounding whiny with his vocals. There's some nice songs (I personally like "The Chosen Pessimist" and "Condemned") but it's just too hit and miss for me to listen through the whole thing like I do some of the others.

Lunar Strain
I just never really liked it. It all feels very rough, and more like a demo than a full-length album.
1. Come Clarity
2. Clayman
3. Whoracle
4. Reroute to Remain
5. A Sense of Purpose
6. Soundtrack to your Escape
7. Jester Race
8. Lunar Strain
9. Subterranean

This was extremely tough. On any given day this list could be in reverse. If SOAPF continues like this, it may be in the running for my favorite. I honestly think that what I've heard thus far combines a lot of past and present sounds.
I heard the title song. Its actually damn good except once again it slows down for a sugary sweet radio friendly chorus. At least you can hear the damn guitars. 7/10 form me. Much more energy and less sleep inducing than the first song.
In the two songs from SOAPF we've heard thus far, I can clearly hear that the band more worked as a band, actually, than in ASOP. I don't know if you heard that, but the bass guitar is completely in the front and it has an awesome sound in both songs (you can hear the sound really really clearly in the last verse of the title track, at 03:27, and you can also hear it clearly in the Deliver Us chorus). Daniel did an awesome work in the verse of both songs, the drums really come along with the lyrics. Björn improved himself on both solos, and both are just great. To finish with, lyrics are fucking epic, a huge work has been done on the vocals, and the electronic ambiance is strong. They took their time to work on a lot of details and I think, it's just my opinion but I think that the hole album will just make sense, as an IN FLAMES album, and as their 10th album too.
I heard the title song. Its actually damn good except once again it slows down for a sugary sweet radio friendly chorus. At least you can hear the damn guitars. 7/10 form me. Much more energy and less sleep inducing than the first song.

Radio friendly or not, I think that this chorus is just really strong, and the way it is sung makes sense along with the lyrics. Remember, in ASOP, a lot of choruses were just not matching the lyrics (Alias, for exemple).
I'm sure I've done this before on this forum but... what the hell :D

To me Clayman represents the peak of In Flames' creativity, and the end of the 'Golden era' which started with TJR. I literally love everything about this album, production is the best In Flames have ever achieved imo, the vocals are starting to fade here but strangely fit perfectly with the songs, guitars are melodic heaven and the drums & bass do their job without inturrupting the flow of the album at any point. Lyrically it's a beautiful mix of introspective and external thoughts, a balance Anders struggles to find in later albums.

In the past I've always placed TJR above Whoracle... but now I think the 1997 album ranks higher. The song structures are tighter, the vocals are far improved and the production is superior as well. I love the overall atmosphere on this album, the guitar melodies are out of this world. Lyrically this is a complex album that doesn't make sense at times, though whether that's a translation issue I'm not sure. The lyrics that do make sense are stellar, though, and more relevant to the modern world than people might think. The album artwork for this is fantastic, too.

I'm kind of surprised I'm putting Colony ahead of TJR as well, but objectively speaking it is a better album. Anders has never sounded better vocally, his performance is incredibly powerful on this album - both on cleans and growls/screams. He wouldn't sound anywhere near this powerful again until Come Clarity. I think this is the first time Anders set out to write lyrics solely in English rather than get them translated from Swedish, and it shows on a lot of the songs. Some great lyrics, though. Production and guitar-work on this album is once again stupidly good, and Embody the Invisible is probably the best opener I've heard for any album.

The Jester Race
Lyrically and musically this album is up there with the first three on the list, but it is let down a little by the production (which was vastly improved for Whoracle) and the vocals - Anders sounds far more comfortable on Whoracle, here his growl is as deep as it ever was with In Flames and he isn't able to maintain an affective rhythm throughout many of the songs. Many of the lyrics are skipped or words mangled, which doesn't happen so much in future albums. The lyrics on this album are amazing and make more sense than Whoracle, lyrically it is only just behind Clayman as my favourite and was a huge influence along with DT's Skydancer is my own creative writing. The mix of folk and metal on this album is mesmerising, and they pull it off perfectly. The guitar melodies on this album are entrancing, especially on Tracks like Artifacts and Moonshield. The album is let down slightly by the last two tracks, both of which are not at the same level as the songs preceeding them.

Reroute to Remain
I like this album, but can't class it as part of In Flames' 'golden era', as it is the beginning of their change in direction to a more mainstream sound. I really like the overall atmosphere on R2R, and even though I think Anders lyrics here are far poorer quality than Clayman they're still very good in an understated way. The vocals on the album don't have enough power, Anders sounds robotic at times which seems to be a production issue. In fact, production drags this album down in general. The muddy tone is too pronounced and leads to otherwise brilliant melodies being buried in a thick mix. As a result the guitars on this album sound less impressive, despite some fantastic riffs. This is the last album, for me, that contains the 'older' In Flames magic.

Come Clarity
Come Clarity does not capture the magic of older In Flames but of the last three In Flames albums this is by far the best. It's straightforward, in-your-face metal basically from beginning to end. Anders vocals regain some real power in this album, and his cleans are vastly improved (Leeches & Crawl Thru Knives in particular, not a huge fan of the title track though). Dead End and Vanishing Light are spectacular and more than worthy of the In Flames name. Lyrically this was a real return to form for In Flames, TTL & Scream aside. Production on the album is solid and there are some nice melodies from Jesper & Bjorn, the drums on this album are ferocious as well. One of the things that brings CC down for me is the fact it is one of only two albums (ASOP is the other) that has very little beneath the surface. You hear everything the song has to offer during the first listen, there's not really anything beneath the surface, though that's partially down to the up-front production of the album. For that reason, and the fact I think there's a lot of filler on here (Reflect the Storm, Pacing Death's Trail, Verses Terminus, Our Infinite Struggle), I'd never place it higher than this. As a metal album it's superb, as an In Flames album it's good.

Lunar Strain/Sub
Arguably these albums shouldn't be included as the majority of the recognised band weren't involved in it, but I'll add it in here anyway. Obviously the production is raw and the song structures a bit off... but I really like a lot of the songs on this album. You can feel the passion of the band even though the talent hasn't quite reached its potential at this point. The original album was rushed out as well, which probably accounts for filler like Lunar Strain and Everlost Part I. The folk elements LS are a little bit random but add a nice touch to proceedings, and I don't mind Stanne's vocals either. Behind Space, In Flames, Clad in Shadows & Upon an Oaken Throne are amazing songs, and as CiS & BS '99 showed, with better production these songs would all have been killer. Sub is a nice little album too, production is better and the guitar melodies are a sign of things to come.

Soundtrack To Your Escape
There's nothing wrong with the production of this album, but unfortunately that's almost all I can say positive about it. Lyrically it's poor, musically it's dour in many parts and the cleans on this album are largely sub-standard. This was the first album where In Flames lost their magic, to me, and they went from being a very unique metal band to just being... a metal band. I disagree with all of the Korn comparisons, but this album is heavily influenced by the american metal scene and it's worse for it. There are a couple of good tracks on here - I actually like The Quiet Place & my Sweet Shadow, but overall I barely ever listen to anything on this album.

A Sense of Purpose
Urgh. I can't really say anything nice about this album at all. Easily the weakest In Flames album for me, it makes STYE sound like Clayman in comparison. This album is the worst of In Flames bundled into 12 uninspired, insipid tracks. Funnily enough, the Mirror's truth EP was actually pretty good, but this album failed any expectations I had. The vocals on it are tragically weak, whiny cleans and half-arsed screams. The production is rock-pop soft and the guitars have no crunch or power at all. The song structures are all the same, and this album also introduced a song which I put up there with Bottled as In Flames worst - The Chosen Pessimist. I get what they were trying to do with it, but in my opinion it just didn't work, and worse still it ate up 8 minutes of their show when I last went to see them. Lyrically it's just dire, from start to finish. This album is the sound of a band without inspiration or, ironically, any sense of purpose, and I don't think it's a coincidence Jesper left before the next one was released.

Judging from SOAPF's first two tracks, i think it'll fit either above or below CC on the list, though I'd of course have to hear the full album before judging it :)
Nice stuff DE4life. Agree on most of it. If tittle track is anything to judge by, SOAPF will rank like 5th or 6th best IF album. Not bad at all!

Lunar Strain - raw
Jester Race - imaginative
Whoracle - apocalyptic
Colony - playful
Clayman - mature
RTR - experimental
STYE - ugly
CC - energetic
ASOP - dull

Judging by the review from MSF, "The Puzzle" and "All for me" will be interesting. Ah, can't wait another 4 weeks!
My list :

1. Colony - For me, this album shows In Flames' unique sound to its best. The melodies, the harmonised guitars, lyrics, vocals - everything really. Probably my favourite album of all time. So many great songs from this album but Zombie Inc just stands out to me.

2. The Jester Race - Great melodic death metal, melodies are very good, great riffs and I really like Anders' vocals in TJR. Wayfaerer is a song to mention - I love the happy feel it gives, but still having that melodeath feel to it.

3. Clayman - To some, this album was another change for In Flames but to me, I felt that this album was like a little brother to Colony. It had great melodies and riffs like Colony, but for whatever reason it doesn't give me the same mystical feel that Colony gives me. Square Nothing is probably my favourite song from this album.

5. Whoracle - To me, Whoracle isn't In Flames' best work. It had good vocals and very awesome riffs like Dialogue With the Stars but for whatever reason I can't listen to this album for long periods because I get bored of it easily. Still, it contains some of In Flames' best moments like The Hive's solo.

6. Soundtrack to Your Escape - I like the range of music in the album, like the evilness of F(r)iend to the mystical feeling of The Quiet Place. I don't get the uniqueness of In Flames from this album as much as their older work. Same goes to the rest of their post-Clayman material. Still a good album overall.

7. Come Clarity - It's OK. A very commercial sound to it but there are still good moments in it like the Vanishing Light intro and I love Reflect the Storm - one of my favourite songs from In Flames.

8. A Sense of Purpose - Again, very commercial sound but there are some good melodies in it and there are quite a lot of harmonised guitars which I can't complain about. But as most will agree, it lacks this 'strength' to the album. Personally I think it's because of poor production because there are some really good moments in ASOP but sadly wasted.

9. Reroute - I don't listen this album a lot. I really did try get into R2R but I decided that I don't like the album very much. I'm usually very open about the music but I really dislike R2R. A few good riffs but definitely one of the most disappointing album from In Flames if you ask me.

I don't listen to Lunar Strain much because the recording quality really puts me off. But it's way darker than The Jester Race when it comes to melodic death metal. This is probably because of the harsher vocals from the DT singer and the production because the Behind Space from Lunar Strain is so different to the Colony version. I know that there are a few riff changes in the Colony version but still...

I have a good feeling that SOAPF will have the In Flames feel to it again. The title track's acoustic intro and the chorus... For me it's one of the best songs that In Flames have released since Clayman.
I found the ASOP thread from 2008 and some of my comments on there are embarrassing and no longer reflect my opinion of ASOP in any way :D so with that in mind my opinion on SOAPF should probably be ignored for at least a year.
A Sense of Purpose- 5.5/10 (... hhhhmmmm... see below)
The Mirror's Truth EP- 8/10 (a great EP, let down by the album it was released alongside)
Come Clarity- 10/10 (all songs are great, single-worthy tracks in my opinion. Got me into In Flames- something i'll never forget the album for)
STYE- 8/10 (Great album, really immersive in my opinion. I can see why alot of people say why there are too many synths and keys going on in it and Bottled is a bit lame).
Reroute to Remain- 8/10 (Was going to put it below STYE, can't bring myself to. System is my favourite track. The atmosphere on this album is incredible, despite shitty production)
Clayman- 8/10 (Not a huge fan of some of the songs- Satellites and Astronauts bores me to death- but there are UNDENIABLE classics. Pinball map, Suburban Me, OFTW and the title track- such amazing songs)
Colony- 9/10 (Pretty spectacular- as i said before i'm not a huge fan of sci-fi lyrics, but this album is what metal music is all about. Colony is my favourite track, although they are all great)
Whoracle- 6/10 (I'm treading thin ice here ;), but i don't like Anders' growls and the lyrics i find uninteresting and irrelevant- to me, at least- but i respect that you can relate to them in cases. Also find that some tracks bore the hell outta me)
Jester Race- i don't feel i can give my opinion on it. Haven't listened to it enough.

Pre-Jester Race i haven't listened to any. Can't stand the vocals.

I want to give Sounds of A Playground Fading a 10/10, after hearing just two songs, but of course lets wait and see! Anders says it's the best In Flames album...