The song structures are more varied and more thoughtout, that's very clear, but very well, you can like whatever you want. Some people like more simple stuff, others don't. But don't come here like an ass and say that people who like the old stuff more are nostalgic or any stupid bullshit like that just because you seem to prefer the new stuff.
I simply said my thoughts on the old stuff compared to the new and you immediately go all rage.
Uhm...that's exactly what you said, don't try to deny that.
What I meant is that you defended their way of having the same pop-formula in almost every song by saying that it's the way they are. Sure, it may be the way they are now, but it's still lacking in imagination and varying up a little is still not trying to be progressive.
Meh, I'm still hungover since yesterday so I think I'm done here as well.
Lol no what I said was ''And then there's new IF fans that only likes the Old albums who likes jumping on the ''let's throw shit at New IF'' bandwagon.''
I don't understand how you can interpret it the way you did.
And, I don't know if this is what you think, but I don't dislike the old stuff. I LOVE it. I love all their albums. Maybe you haven't even read my posts? I'm a diehard fucking IF fan, new or old doesn't matter to me.
And you are again misinterpreting or misreading what I've actually said.
Maybe it's because you are hungover, I don't know.
And please, learn what rage is. I did not in any way ''immediately rage'', I didn't even rage at all.
And the reason why the song structures have been simplified is because IF is now a live band, in the old days they were a studio band. That's why they could go into the studio and do all this creative shit, at least that is what they've said themselves. Nowadays they create the songs for being played live. I mean, in TJR, there's like, 4-5 guitar tracks at the same time or something in some songs? Sure it sounds fucking awesome on the album, but when it comes to playing it live, the songs immediately doesn't sound as good as the studio version whereas the songs from the recent albums, imo sounds even better and massive live. And with this I don't mean that the old songs sound bad live, definitely not. They sound great. But they have made some changes and added some stuff to old songs when they perform them live. Like for example in The Hive, the breakdown part, Björn now plays a really sweet lead instead of only that slow boring rhythm part.
I mean, everything you are saying except for the song structures being simpler nowadays (We'll see about that in SOAPF though possibly) are just your opinions. It's just an battle of opinions.
Anyways, have a good day. Last time I reply for real now