IN FLAMES "The Mirror's Truth" --- what do you think of the mix?

Impossible to judge the mix from that sort of player. Yeah, it's not clayman, also it's not 2000. If you don't like it, move on and listen to something you do like.

Sounds pretty good to me! I'm gay for IF though, always have been. It's certainly not anything groundbreaking.
for what one could say judging by myspace player i'd say it sounds pretty good cause the sound is more old school to me. you know, no clicky-as-hell kick and all that. also the rest of the drumset sounds good to me. guitars as well. couldn't hear much bass though. then again: i'm a n00b and it's shitty myspace soundquality... %)

i like the song itself though. not too complicated structurewise but that's fine! :)
I was somewhat pumped for this album because Come Clarity wasn't bad, and they seemed to be going balls out with the production. But then I heard Toby Wright mixed it...yeah, he had some good mixes in the late 80's and early 90's....but have you heard the last Fear Factory album? He did that, and it sounds like ass. This sounds even worse. You can sound raw and old school, and still sound GOOD. This sounds like shit.
Fuck, I think this is the best In Flames single since the Clayman album!! Bjorn shredding again!!!

And I love the guitar sound and overall production from what I can tell. This sounds like the old-school In Flames I miss! Anders even sounds good!!!!
I liked the song, it feelt like they combined their new style with their old.
But I think the mix sucks, as many have said, old school sound is great, but this is NOT oldschool.
The bass-frequencies are to fluttery, and it doesnt seem to have that punch.
Although it might be the myspace player f-in it up a bit.
it must have been either the codec or the speakers at work or something, cause i'm at home and it sounds better now --not as muddy as I thought earlier. I guess the songwriting isn't what it used to be. I'll still buy it too, just cause it's IN FLAMES and granted, this is only just one song. It is nice to see them "shredding" again... I just wish there were more double guitar parts like on Jester, or Whoracle. Given that I haven't heard the whole album with the production and mixing it should have, I'll save my opinion until I have it in hands and have it pumping in ears.
I think it's nice to actually hear the vocals, That was my biggest gripe about the mix on RTR and STYE (the only 2 IF discs I own).

Bass drum doesn't do it for me, and on my headphones it sounds like the left side guitars are louder or more present...Maybe it's my ears after 4 hours of band practice, though, too ;)