IN FLAMES "The Mirror's Truth" --- what do you think of the mix?

For me, their last album should have been Reroute To Remain. Period. Come Clarity and STYE I consider coming from a completely different band. I have high hopes for this album for them to come full-circle for a nice return. C'mon In Flames... gimme that sweet classic Gothenburg Melodic Death metal you've been known for. Gimme! :waah:
Check out Jesper's other band Dimension Zero then. It sounds more like the real In Flames than In Flames does :lol:

Thanks for the recommend. Actually, I'm quite familiar with Dimension Zero. I wouldn't consider it more like the "real" In Flames at all. It's more of a hybrid (imo) of say, Darkane and old In Flames. Very good stuff, their new album is amazing.
I think it's pleasant sounding all around but nothing special either. Doesn't do much for me, but doesn't piss me off.
Heard a better version of the song, it still sounded like shit. And the song wasn't that great either. For similiar material I personally liked all the songs on the new myGrain album a lot more (especially songwise) than the new In Flames single, I even made this sampler with 30s samples of all the songs for a friend of mine.
This has to be a joke or a pre-prod or something...
Anyway the mix is mono so that doesn't help, but still, sounds... oh well, let's wait for more.

exactly. the mix is mono, also those you might find online.
my guess is that it's part of their leak strategy.
actually I've seen quite a few bands doing this lately, not particularly in metal though...yet.

pretty tricky if you ask me.

a lot dislike their newer sound, starting from R2R but it was never crappy.
I doubt it will be crappy once the album is released.
i have the promo of the whole album. so far i haevn't listened to all of it though. but i like the songs that i've heard so far! :) not sure if NB was giving out the final versions though - the stereo image doesn't seem really wide to me...
OK... so I take back what I had to say about not liking the new IN FLAMES single.. I think it's needed time to grow on me. Perhaps i'll hold my tongue until I can hear it in it's true form in-hand when the album is finally out.

Another big reason that's changed my mind is hearing the other single "Disconnected" (I posted the Youtube link below). It was surprising to actually hear death-growls coming from Anders again! And the amount of melody mixed with great guitar work seems a good step in the right direction.

I for one can't wait for the new album now :p

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"Disconnected" is a bit of a grower, but it is much better then the first single!

It's probably just the musicians choice with that first single.. just like how in flames always ended their shows with "my sweet shadow" for a long time... imo not quite a finisher of a great show, but they always used it.
Well "Soundtrack..." is my least favorite of their albums by far, but I LOVE "My Sweet Shadow" as a song, so if it had to be a newer IF number to close, that'd be my choice
Ok, I just heard the EP. I admit, it's weak, songwise.
Not sure what to think about the production, guitars seem fat/thick but somewhat muddy/undefined, like they tried to mix old sound with the newer stuff...
Vox are unfortunately very metalcorish, for me a big minus here...
I'm listening the EP right now. It's ok, definitely not old In Flames, but who expected it to be. I like the 2nd song (eraser) the best I think... It reminds me a lot of Dark Tranquility.

The guitars sound muddy to me, but the production is pretty decent.

In thinking about it, the vocals really just kill it for me. I really don't like something about the way Anders has done the vocals on the last couple of albums. It's a really raw production, and the vocals just grate on me...

I don't know, I probably won't give it more than one or two listens... :erk:
for what one could say judging by myspace player i'd say it sounds pretty good cause the sound is more old school to me. you know, no clicky-as-hell kick and all that. also the rest of the drumset sounds good to me. guitars as well. couldn't hear much bass though. then again: i'm a n00b and it's shitty myspace soundquality... %)

i like the song itself though. not too complicated structurewise but that's fine! :)

wtf old school? =( it sounds emo! in flames aren't even death metal on this album.... he only does clear korn like singing... it's painful to hear....

Another big reason that's changed my mind is hearing the other single "Disconnected" (I posted the Youtube link below). It was surprising to actually hear death-growls coming from Anders again! And the amount of melody mixed with great guitar work seems a good step in the right direction.

I for one can't wait for the new album now :p

uhmmm to hear death growls coming from anders? are you like deaf? please tell me where u heard death growls in "dissconected" apart from the 2 words "go" and "more" :waah: in flames remind me a lot of 30 seconds to mars on the new single.... =( and belive me it's painful to say this becouse old in flames is to die for I can't belive it's the same band that wrote songs like jotun and moonsheild
wtf old school? =( it sounds emo! in flames aren't even death metal on this album.... he only does clear korn like singing... it's painful to hear....

uhmmm to hear death growls coming from anders? are you like deaf? please tell me where u heard death growls in "dissconected" apart from the 2 words "go" and "more" :waah: in flames remind me a lot of 30 seconds to mars on the new single.... =( and belive me it's painful to say this becouse old in flames is to die for I can't belive it's the same band that wrote songs like jotun and moonsheild

Aaah yes... the old school in flames fan.

I understand what you're saying mate.. i guess im just lucky to absolutely love this new direction they have gone into... reroute to remain being a masterpiece in my opinion, because of the added singing and synths it really makes it that much more fun to listen to in my opinion.

Then again... the old school in flames was to die for as well though... tough choice, im just glad i dig both.:rock:
Aaah yes... the old school in flames fan.

I understand what you're saying mate.. i guess im just lucky to absolutely love this new direction they have gone into... reroute to remain being a masterpiece in my opinion, because of the added singing and synths it really makes it that much more fun to listen to in my opinion.

Then again... the old school in flames was to die for as well though... tough choice, im just glad i dig both.:rock:

oh I love route to remain as well, it's awsome songwritingwise... the production could be a bit less digital but all in all it's a really good album... I like come clarity a lot as well, =( so I'm not one of those "close minded old school fans" that you may think... it's just the new album from what I've heard so far I don't like at all :ill: too much synths they've never over used synths this much also anders singing is... well :Puke: it was way better on come clarity....
uhmmm to hear death growls coming from anders? are you like deaf? please tell me where u heard death growls in "dissconected" apart from the 2 words "go" and "more" :waah: in flames remind me a lot of 30 seconds to mars on the new single.... =( and belive me it's painful to say this becouse old in flames is to die for I can't belive it's the same band that wrote songs like jotun and moonsheild

Actually, I WAS referring to the "go" and "more" parts. I know they're minuscule, but hey, it's growls. Yes I wish there were more, but oh well.

The new In Flames sounds very raw and a slight return to their old form. Why would we want a rehashment of an old In Flames album. It wouldn't be very good to listen to a re-recording of Whoracle or Jester Race. Each of their albums are unique in their own rights. At that time, I'm sure their were others that said "this new shit sucks, Why can't they play more stuff like Subterranean??" when Whoracle came out. If you don't like the new stuff, then don't listen to it. Personally, I love to see the evolution of bands, how they grow, and see what new stuff they come up with. I wouldn't want to listen to a band that puts out the same shit all the time. /end Rant.