This is sorta unrelated, but WHAT THE FUCK is up with the snare on Soundtrack to your Escape????
Reminds me of a certain St. Something....
LOL... it actually reminds me of the snare sound that Matt Smith (Theocracy) reproduced on his St. Anger parody by banging on a metal folding chair
By the way Matt... do you have a link to that again? Thanks!
Actually, I WAS referring to the "go" and "more" parts. I know they're minuscule, but hey, it's growls. Yes I wish there were more, but oh well.
The new In Flames sounds very raw and a slight return to their old form.
Becouse old in flames albums rockWhy would we want a rehashment of an old In Flames album.
why wouldn't that be good? I'd personally love to listen to a re-recording of these albums!It wouldn't be very good to listen to a re-recording of Whoracle or Jester Race. Each of their albums are unique in their own rights
ok, I guess this is a personall matter, I prefer bands that put out the same shit over and over again, without growing... if I want to listen to some other kind of music I listen to another band that sounds differently...Personally, I love to see the evolution of bands, how they grow, and see what new stuff they come up with. I wouldn't want to listen to a band that puts out the same shit all the time. /end Rant.
worst thing about the new album is the US label they are on. Koch records?!? they seem to have a lot of rap artists and whatnot. plus there was a girl in my High School class with the last name Koch. She was sooooo hot omg.