In Flames Tour


Nov 19, 2005
In Flames at London Astoria tomo (22nd March) anyone? Got noone to go with.. again... please, get in touch as soon as possible.
a lady left to get drunk on her own. saaaad.
By the way! Anyone off to Cheltenham to ProgPower this weekend? =)
a saw them open for slayer in '02, and they sounded terrible. it wasn't there fault though. the bass was overwhelming and the the guitars were low and scooped...couldn't hear a note.
just saw them on the US part of this tour. it was alright, worth the $20, but not the drive to and through DC. they played a lot of new songs, but theyre better live than on the album.
Instrumentally yes, but Fridens vocals live are so mediocre. You can tell that just off listening to The Tokyo Showdown. He's got a voice that's really non descript which is why it's good on CD because it's easy to manipulate in production, unfortunatly that also means his voice live is just really well...boring, even though he's a good show man and he put on a good act, he just can't deliever the goods.
I dont understand why people dont like In Flames' new stuff, i think its pretty good. In fact i prefer it to the older stuff
Because you're not a tr00 m3talhead if you don't rip on In Flames for getting bored of the harmony sound and deciding to do something different that might have some commercial success. "ZOMGZ THEY SOLD OUT"...I'm sure they'd like to make some money, instead of being poor the whole time they play music.
My opinion of them has nothing to do with tr00ness or selling out whatsoever. It's boring and watered down.
Oh and speaking of commercial success, I was at a friend's place and he was playing "Final Fight: Streetwise" for PS2 and after some rap song called "get ya head bust open" came on none other than The Grand Conjuration. I was HORGHING.
The Poona of Peshwa said:
My opinion of them has nothing to do with tr00ness or selling out whatsoever. It's boring and watered down.
Oh and speaking of commercial success, I was at a friend's place and he was playing "Final Fight: Streetwise" for PS2 and after some rap song called "get ya head bust open" came on none other than The Grand Conjuration. I was HORGHING.
