In honor of St. Paddy's day..Drinkin' Stories!


safe in the cornfields
In honor of St. Paddy's day I figured this could be a fun discussion, with some of the nutcases here. ;)(of course I mean that in the best possible way :D)

Suprisingly I remember my nights; I don't really black out regardless of how many glasses of swill go in me. I guess I'll start:

Jager induced punching contests. Well, my friend took me out and told me to drink on his wallet. (I don't know if this was a good idea to start with). So, after a few shots of Jager(and Jagerschlagers and Liquid Heroin; aka Jager, Goldschlager and Rumple Minze), he tells me to sock him. I do, in the bar. After the second hit I regained my senses and didn't want to get kicked out. Fast forward to a couple more drinks and the walk(albiet swervy) to catch a cab. He tells me to sock him again.
Me: *whack! whack! WHACK*
Him: owwww....
I hope I didn't get him too bad. :D

Another good one had a cast of characters including two good friends from Jersey, a bottle of vodka, a bottle of Bacardi 151, and some coke. I housed some vodka, then about 4 shots of 151 straight before tossing it in coke. Didn't vomit, and was sober about 6 hours later; but before then it involved me wandering into the woods with my world spinning and my friend behind me going "Fen(name withheld to protect the guilty), Fen...this is the story that ends with "And they were never heard from again...'" I keep wandering, he goes with me so I don't put a stick in my throat. I babble incoherently for about an hour, eat a meatball sandwich later and am fine. My friend was baffled at the ability to burn off all that booze even thought he outweighed me. He was tipsy off two. The fact I was dropping lit ciggs on the carpet made it more apparent I should be outdoors and not inside. ;)
One of those times you had to be there.

My third good one is my only instance of passing out. This involved me, another friend, some OJ and a liter of vodka. Said liter was gone between us in a half hour. I remember eating a bowl of cereal, listening to Decapitated, Bodom and Amon Amarth before watching porn on the computer, spitting into the air and waking up on the bed, no covers, the wrong way, covered in my own spit. Yes, this story has very little dignity but what the hell. I am not shy. :D

On the road with Marduk was fun; that involved Jager, Jack Daniels(of which their old singer Legion managed to pour on me after attempting to pour a shot of it in my mouth; not a lot got on my shirt at least), and beer donated by Darkane to show me how Swedes party. :D That was more a night of drunken band fun with me wandering onto the wrong tour bus and having the singer of Die Apokalyptichen Reiter attempt to draw my portrait on a snare drum. :D

And the final, least dignified story(but of course amusing to everyone else)

Me at a work party. Three words: FREE OPEN BAR. The bartenderess that night poured these HELLA big shots; at least doubles; if not a little more. Well, I start the night with a couple nice sized mixed drinks. Then came the Jameson shot; which was about two shots and then some taken at once. Then came the Jager. I counted three. (or 6 shots equivalent). My friend that I work with(who was nursing shots of iced Jager) said she saw me with a new shot in my hand about every 10 minutes that the bartender kept giving me. Of course, I was also housing a plate of hot wings...BAD idea. I fell asleep at the table after a long death metal discussion with co workers I didn't know had such good taste; then was stuffed in a cab, somehow gave directions home, fell out, and commenced vomiting onto the curb for about 10 mintues. get inside, fall asleep, wake up, and again. one more time in the morning. This is the ONLY time I have ever gotten sick. The final apparent tally: 8-14 shots and two mixed drinks in about an hour and a half. It was more like around 12; I don't think even I could do 14 in that time. And I had my BAC tested about 9 hours :D

Ok, anyone else have any fun drinking stories to share? (For the record, I drink large amounts, have the title of town drunk, but never once ever had the need to 'hit' the bottle due to stress. I am one of those lucky ones, I guess, that drinks purely for amusement. :D)

of course, after I humiliated myself with that last story...i HOPE someone posts a good one!!! :blush: :P :D
Lets see, i have about a million and a half drinking stories but my favorite is pretty simplistic. One of my friends bit the dust so i decided to drink my ass off in his honor, so i drank bacardi and captains straight up, i must have had like 20 drinks that night. Well i guess over the course of the night i woke up, pulled down my boxers (im in a college dorm room at the time), and pissed all over my roommates stuff (blackout drunk of course). He got up, pushed me down in my bed where i proceeded to finish the job in my bed. Well to make a long story short i had to shell out about 250 to buy him new books and a backpack, but the memories will last a lifetime.
Just wanted to post one more, although this may make me sound like a total asshole. My friend and i went to this girls party. We were going out at the time, but she started being a cunt at the party because she had all her cool poser friends over there. She wasnt being a dick to me but to my friend, who didnt like her and vice versa. So we decided to take matters into our own hands. She had like 100 dollars worth of weed on her bed that she wanted nobody to touch, so we ended up giving it to some 16 year old kid, then, drunk off my ass, i went in and pissed all over her hair curling iron and toothbrush and anywhere else in the bathroom i could find. To top it all off i jacked about 20 of her CD's. Thats when about 6 guys came and accused of us this shit and told us to leave. The worst part of it though was that there werent any cd's in the cases, fuck that. But the moral of the story is that we are still good friends, but i definitely wont kiss her anymore.
I've been a good girl and haven't ever drunk enough to be more then slightly buzzed. +happy face+

I do have a story where my roomate's best friend in my freshmen year of college, well they drank to much at a kegger and this girl was completely unconscious. They dragged her to our room. I had been sleeping and got woken up. Well they pet her on the bed and started trying to slap her awake. they finally left her to return to the party and after like half an hour she wakes up and walks into the closet. I'm like "what the fuck ?". Later I hear a crash and open the door to see she's collapsed on top of a pile of clothes and is mumbling incoherently until she falls unconscious again. they had to take her to the hospital and pump her stomache. :erk:
well I went with my five friends to same sorf of university trip and we took 6l of vodka with us plus some extra cans of beer. It was all mentioned for 2 nights only. After first one more than 3litres of burning water have been gone. In the morning my firend propose, at 7am, to start drinking again :D We took the rest of it in the morning, strange things were going on that morning, really hehe And when we woke up in the evening and realize that there is no more alkohol we decided to buy some extra vodka bottles, about 1l for the night. But my friends decided that there are better ways of getting drunk and bought !!! 11 litres of cheap wine !!! So we all got drunk again and lost our conscious that fine night. The last day I havent drunk anything, nor my friends, but we we were back in Warsaw, traveling by subway, some old lady was talking something like "Its a cheap alkohol that these men smell like" :d When I got home, my mother told me that Im drunk. I told her that Ive not drunk anything since last night (it was like 18h), but my mum told me again that im in a hasitating pose and I really stink with cheap alkohol :lol:

so thats it, one of our great polish alkohol tales. Its true :p
Hehe! Yes, I do understand the Poles can drink quite well. ;) Up there with Finns and Russians. I have a friends from Poland here, but i have never seen him drink before. I wanna go out and drink with that guy, hehe! :D I have drank with Polish guys a little before; it's quite fun. (Vader last time they came around). And yeah, after 6l of vodka and 11l of wine you might smell a little like cheap alcohol. :D
haha, we did. Lucky you, drinking with Vader :p there are some drinks in europe wheres written on the bottle, do not drink more than xxx at once, and theres a little addon :p do not concern polish and russian :lol::lol:
^ see thats such a contrast. I've been told I'm such a wimp because I choose to just have those fruity drinks, frankly at the beginning alcohol tastes nasty until you've had like three in you and then it starts to taste quite good.I've never gotten drunk for fear of what would be done to me if I managed to fall asleep. I've heard some tales of Sharpie mustaches and other low brow pranks. +squeak+ I'd rather be the nice sober friend holding back the other friend's hair while he/she vomits. :loco:

Someday I suppose I will get smashed heh :loco: just hasn't happened yet.
oh good lord i have a story about a real asshole my friends and I used to be friends with. . .
this guy, Jason, drinks, untill he passes out. . .then, 3 or 4 people strip him down to buck nekkid. . .and put a litle teddy bear over his crotch. . .and then. . . they start taking pictures. . .:lol: we got about 4 or 5 of em, and now we hate him. . .

one regarding me. . .i had about 2 40's of mickys going, at the local power plant in my town. . .(hey i was only 17, no bars for me), and i tell the guys, "hey i think im going to vomit. . ." so i get out to an open area, and about 3 or 4 of my buddies come over and start punching me in the stomach :lol: needless to say this enraged my stomach, and i proceeded to "dedrunk" myself. so i was like. . ."well shit that was a waste, gimme some more. . ." :lol:
^ :lol: post some pics dude hahah

I was lil'nit sick once and my buddy took me out for a beer. Believe it or not, I took one gulp... and I viomit :lol: It was because of my sickness hehha :lol:

polish have so many alkohol tales, since each of ust drinks since something like 14th b'day? :D
How come it seems as if all the best moments of a person's live happen in a drunken stupor?

Anyhow onto the stories.

One time I had to take a piss after being drunk at my friends high school graduation party. I was afraid my friends parents would see me drunk. I was about 19 at the time. Anyhow I decided to piss on my friends door. Hey it was white and cold. It was easily mistaken as a toilet. Anyhow my other friend who's sleeping on the floor says "what the hell are you doing" I turn around and my piss stream is now hitting him. He hides under the blankets as I shroud him with my urine and giggle like a school girl. I didn;t do it on purpose at all. Anyhow I felt bad and walked home at 5 am drunk. Next day my friend says he had actual thoughts of going into the kitchen killing me with a knife. He was pissed and to this day vows to pee on me someday.

Next story: One time me and my buddies were all drunk in my friends deserted house. His parents had just moved out. So we all sat their drinking in the dark. As the night progresses drinking games ensued. My friend joe and his marine buddy sat on the mantle place butt naked. Then we took it to the street. I whipped my dick out in the median of the busy blvd as on coming traffic got a good gander at my gratification station. We also played drunk ding dong ditch that same night. On another night of a different year I fucked a stop sign and my friend did naked jumping jacks. It usually results from a game of quarters. It seems that the stupidity always occurs from drunken kickbacks. All the times I;ve been drunk at partys have been mild. However I did challenge my boss to a fist fight after a drunken rage.

There's too many stories to mention. Great topic by the way.
AllWithinMyMonster said:
One time I had to take a piss after being drunk at my friends high school graduation party. I was afraid my friends parents would see me drunk. I was about 19 at the time. Anyhow I decided to piss on my friends door. Hey it was white and cold. It was easily mistaken as a toilet. Anyhow my other friend who's sleeping on the floor says "what the hell are you doing" I turn around and my piss stream is now hitting him. He hides under the blankets as I shroud him with my urine and giggle like a school girl. I didn;t do it on purpose at all. Anyhow I felt bad and walked home at 5 am drunk. Next day my friend says he had actual thoughts of going into the kitchen killing me with a knife. He was pissed and to this day vows to pee on me someday.
Tut said:
a friend of mine got so drunk that he went home crying because a comediant he liked when he was a kid died!

(he died 10 years ago :lol: :p)
These are the best so far :D

I might have one or two..
perhaps I'll write about them later.
yeah, they are some good ones, lol!! Well, we shall see if by forming the Philadelphia Troll Society(a club for Finntroll fans based out around the East Coast), if I shall get anymore drunken stories to tell. :) Hey, Turbonegro has their Turbojugend, Finntroll needs a Troll Society. So far we're up to two members. :D And mead+bowling=endless fun. :p
@magsec: actually that dude was Rafael (mahawkk eauheauheah :p)

i don't know if you ever heard of "Os Trapalhões", the black dude that was funny as hell, called Mussum (yeah, he was the one who inspired my black metal project's name :p)
and he talked in a really funny way, and he used to say "cacildis!" instead of "cacilda!" (probably you have a similar expression in spanish)

so rafael went home saying "Cacildis! Mussum is dead! He's not coming back!" and crying like a baby :lol:
I can add that on the same trip much more things heppend. for example my friend was trying to wash his head, but he misschoose bathroom with toilet and did that in toilet bowl. He actually did that with shampoo. He lost his contact lenses while this process