In Malice's Wake Debut Album! (Thrash, Panic Room Master, GuitarHack etc.)


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys,

This one's been a really long time coming. In fact, Plec just finished mastering the sucker earlier today.

It's the first full album I've seen through to the end, and it's been in production for a very long time due to numerous difficulties. Without going into all that, I'll just say it's been the hardest mix I've done in my life due to all the problems we encountered!

Plec has done a fantastic job on the master, ironing out the rough edges I let go, and generally fattening it out.

GuitarHack was the one who reamped the guitars for us (after many attempts, both my own and his!). From what I understand the amp was his Krank Revolution through a Mesa Traditional cab.

So without ranting on for too long, here is the debut single from the album, 'Eternal Nightfall':

We all truly hope you like it!
That sounds friggin' nice!!! Must be a load off your shoulders now that it's finished. What was Shaun and Dave's reaction?

Quick turn-around on the Mastering.

BTW, the cab was Mesa Standard (oversized).

Release date?
Nice. I'm glad it's done. Loving the vocals. Definately Shauns best sound so far! I'd almost say that the drums were abit too bright (overheads) and upfront in the mix though, they seem to cut through a shitload.
How did you find mixing the overheads? They seem to be abit washy and unclear in the spectrum. I only hope they get you to record those on the next one.
Nice. I'm glad it's done. Loving the vocals. Definately Shauns best sound so far! I'd almost say that the drums were abit too bright (overheads) and upfront in the mix though, they seem to cut through a shitload.
How did you find mixing the overheads? They seem to be abit washy and unclear in the spectrum. I only hope they get you to record those on the next one.

Hey Dan,

I agree about the vocals. No substitute for great takes through great gear.

The drums came up a bit louder after the mastering job. It seems Plec hit it pretty hard with a slow attack compressor down the track somewhere. I had them getting tamed a bit with a limiter in my rough mixes.

The overheads I think were naturally high, but that was because the cymbals were all over the place. Some hits soft, some really hard etc. The positioning, if you recall, was quite awful, and the cymbals themselves were very pingy. I did the best that I could at the time.

We'll have our recording process down a lot better next time. Shaun and I have agreed on that much :)

@Everyone: Cheers!
Cheers guys. The guitar used for most of it is a Jackson USA Custom Soloist with EMG 81s in both bridge and neck positions.

@GuitarHack: Sorry man, I missed your post the first time. It's late!

Shaun and Dave both seem stoked, so that's good. I had no idea it was an oversize. Sounded very much like the trad to me! No idea on the release date - you'd have to ask Shaun for that one.
Oh nice.

Speaking of which, the modded TS we designed is still doing the rounds around here. So far it's stacked up quite well against a number of pedals, including the original 808, and Boss OD-1. Should have its debut feature on the Septerrus demo (the next project I'm doing).

Thank you all for the replies so far. If you have anything to comment on, please by all means, go ahead!
Sorry, I meant the SD-1. There's so many bloody Boss pedals, and they all suck harder than the one before, so it's hard to know which I'm talking about most of the time.

If I get a chance, I'll try it up against more of the models. The guys are gonna prototype another build late next week, which we'll put up against my pedal, so fingers crossed for an even better design.
holy shit, i'm really impressed! i hope my mixes will sound as good as yours someday.

one question: did the snare drum sample have reverb already on it or did you use your own, and if you used your own please give me details. sounds really badass!
Hey man, thanks a lot. It's very humbling to hear something like that. I'm sure if you put the time in, you can leave my mixes in the dust :)

The only verb the snare drum sample had was the ambience from the overheads (Slate Z1). I essentially mixed it with 4 other kinds of ambiences. 1 being the natural drum overheads, 2 being the natural drum room, 3 being slate's drum room (Z4 samples) and 4 being Freeverb 2 (best free verb plug-in for drums I know of... holds up amazingly well).

Personally, I'm mainly happy with how the vocals turned out. As they say, there is no substitute for getting it right at the source. Everything done afterward is relatively minor and standard fare.