In memory...


In Thor we trust
Mar 21, 2003
Hello, 3 months ago me and my girlfriend bought a dog wich was a German sheppard we named Thor. The german sheppard being a guardog and Thor reprensting humanity`s defender...

We took good care of him and also took class with him. We also went a little out of our budget to buy him and give him quality food... Even tho we couldnt really afford it.For 3 months we took him out 6-7 times a day for about 10-20 minutes to educate him and all that was necessary. All along we talked about how he was gonna be special and how so many people didnt raise there dogs at all or would buy one and raise them beating it!!! This is sad... So 3 months later we made ALOT of progress, if anybody as a dog you should know that a 5 months dog (Had Thor when he was 2 months old) doesnt usually follow in a leash or wont do most basic command like Sit,down and stand...

So that being said me and my girlfriend devoted ALOT of time nad actually made the Trainer proud! :) On march 12 around 1 P.M I took the dog out so he would be, he started eating the snow so I pulled on is leash saying NO! (Wich is how you correct a dog) and is collar broke. He started running, I coulndt catch him and coulnt run after him in the very first place cuz,again, if you know dogs, every dogs (especially youngs dog) think its a game when you run after them. So that being said he started running and 15 secondes later got hit by a car as soon as he got of the parking. It took 1 second less... he died on impact. The funny thing is this dog had never acted like this before. He would never get to far from us and on this day he ran for it, to is death.

Thanks for reading :)

In memory of Thor...

On a side note, what happens to animal spirits or dog spirit when they die based on heathenism? Do they got a place in the family like alot of people believes? Opinions plz :)
I'm really sorry for your dog, believe me...

But I don't agree his name...
Give the name of Thor to a being that crawl in the dust or that sniff asses is not that good for me...
Its only a question of perception I guess. My dog was innoccent yet by your claim you could name a human being Thor? What if that human being turned out to be a murderer? Would you be ashamed of him wearing Thors name? No offense but i think you take yourself too seriously. Sure Thor is a god but I doubt he would be offended by this. So since im open minded about id like to know who else is "offended" by this? Btw, i saw 2 differents german sheppard from germany after i bought the dog and already named it who were called Oden and Thor.... So I guess im not the only one.

Norse Wrath said:
I'm really sorry for your dog, believe me...

But I don't agree his name...
Give the name of Thor to a being that crawl in the dust or that sniff asses is not that good for me...
As an smelly animal rights fuck this thread actually made me feel sad.




I agree with Norse Wrath. It's really improbable to give a dog god's name. As for me, i don't like it much when people take up god's names as their pseudonims, as nicknames etc.
The problem is not in the fact, that dogs "sniff asses and crawl in the dust", but that it's just a little mortal material creature, and Thor is hundred times more. Giving it Thor's name shows your love to the dog, but also shows lack of respect for the god.
Here in Russia, ortodoxal christians never give their pets human names even.
Pyaemia said: your claim you could name a human being Thor? What if that human being turned out to be a murderer? Would you be ashamed of him wearing Thors name? No offense but i think you take yourself too seriously.

No way a man can be named as a divinity, no way at all, even if he is the best of human being... And yes, I take this seriously, cause everyone have the right to believe anything he wants. You believe in God? Well, that's none of my business, I respect your faith, so do you with mine...

Pyaemia said:
Sure Thor is a god but I doubt he would be offended by this.


Pyaemia said:
Btw, i saw 2 differents german sheppard from germany after i bought the dog and already named it who were called Oden and Thor.... So I guess im not the only one.

Yes, I saw them too... That's a shame for me...
Anyway, you can call your dog like ever you want, I don't pretend that people think like me, I was just tell you my opinion... ;)

I repeat, I'm so sorry for you dog... :(
thats a sad story. :(

i named my female cat with the name of a goddess.
my cat is a Russian blue, she's really beautiful, so i checked out russian/slavic mythology and named her after the godess of beauty : Lada...
only after did i find out that Lada was the name for a shitty russian car haha, but whatever.
i can't believe they named a shitty car by the name of the godess of beauty. but for a pet it doesnt shock me.
Celtik Militia said:
only after did i find out that Lada was the name for a shitty russian car haha, but whatever.
i can't believe they named a shitty car by the name of the godess of beauty. but for a pet it doesnt shock me.
It's not only the name for "a shitty russian car", it's also a simple women's russian name :) So it was not from the goddes that the car took its name.
Maybe, it doesn't shock you for a pet, because you are not so deeply aquainted with slavonic mythology, but for the people, for whom Thor isn't just a name of some obscure god from the country where they dog/cat stamms from, a nickname Thor is likely to sound wild.
TheLastWithPaganBlood said:
I guess it's ok if you call someone something like Torkel or Torvald, these names are pagan names, but I forgot the meaning behind names like Tyra and Tora.

Tyra can either mean "devoted to Tyr" or "devoted to Thor" on account of it being an anglicized form of two different ON names (Tyrvi for Tyr and Thorvi or Thurvi for Thor).
Tora/Thora is the feamale version of Tor, which is the Scandihoovian name for Thor, as you know. In the olden days such names were given to a child in order to pay respect to that god, but also to invoke his strength and protection (in the case of Thor) or some other trait that the god would have that you wanted your child to have a piece of. Wearing a name was like wearing an amulet. Accordingly, naming your dog for a god would not have meant that you thought the dog was like Thor, but rather that you wanted Thor to protect it./ T
Hello Tyra, thanks for your answer. I did this in good spirit and contrary to what other might believe it wasnt just naming the dog with a god name from an obscur country. As you already know I already know alot about norse mythology. I feel sad that people assume that this was meant to reduced the god to the dog... You know? And like I say, IT IS AN ASSUMPTION. So I believe that people offended by this is kinda of ridiculous. Its ignorance mix with assumptions. I dont disrespect Thor in any way and it is by actually LIKING him that is name came unto our dog that I LOVED SO VERY MUCH. I still miss him very much too. They say when you received a gift that:"Its the intention thats counts.." I think this still holds true to most action people take. That being said, our intention were very good when naming the dog. :)

Tyra said:
Tyra can either mean "devoted to Tyr" or "devoted to Thor" on account of it being an anglicized form of two different ON names (Tyrvi for Tyr and Thorvi or Thurvi for Thor).
Tora/Thora is the feamale version of Tor, which is the Scandihoovian name for Thor, as you know. In the olden days such names were given to a child in order to pay respect to that god, but also to invoke his strength and protection (in the case of Thor) or some other trait that the god would have that you wanted your child to have a piece of. Wearing a name was like wearing an amulet. Accordingly, naming your dog for a god would not have meant that you thought the dog was like Thor, but rather that you wanted Thor to protect it./ T
Pyaemia said:
Hello Tyra, thanks for your answer. I did this in good spirit and contrary to what other might believe it wasnt just naming the dog with a god name from an obscur country. As you already know I already know alot about norse mythology. I feel sad that people assume that this was meant to reduced the god to the dog... You know? And like I say, IT IS AN ASSUMPTION. So I believe that people offended by this is kinda of ridiculous. Its ignorance mix with assumptions. I dont disrespect Thor in any way and it is by actually LIKING him that is name came unto our dog that I LOVED SO VERY MUCH. I still miss him very much too. They say when you received a gift that:"Its the intention thats counts.." I think this still holds true to most action people take. That being said, our intention were very good when naming the dog. :)

Your sign says the right thing...:rolleyes:
Well, for what it's worth, I know exactly how you meant it, especially since I know how you feel about Thor etc. It's more respect for the dog than it's disrespect for the god, and I think Thor the God knows it. That's just my opinion, though.

Dude, I've had a couple of dogs, and you sort of miss them all when they're gone. Some tend to "stick" more than others, though. My Big Ultimate Dog was a large Belgian Shepherd that I named Zeke (for the big bad wolf in Disney's Three Little Pigs). It's been years since he died, and I miss him every damn day, even though I have another dog (Gwen) now. :cry: You just get used to the missing being there until it becomes a "friendly miss" that's part of you as much as the dog was. Better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all, in my case, cuz my life was made so much better by Zeke.:worship:
Thanks alot Tyra, I knew youd understand :) It may be because you knew me a little more then the others. In any case, me and my girlfriend appreciate your kind words. :) Its ridiculous how a dog can be special to you? Isnt it? "Thor" was that for us. He made our life that much better for a short 3 months but very precious 3 months. Again, thanks.

Tyra said:
Well, for what it's worth, I know exactly how you meant it, especially since I know how you feel about Thor etc. It's more respect for the dog than it's disrespect for the god, and I think Thor the God knows it. That's just my opinion, though.

Dude, I've had a couple of dogs, and you sort of miss them all when they're gone. Some tend to "stick" more than others, though. My Big Ultimate Dog was a large Belgian Shepherd that I named Zeke (for the big bad wolf in Disney's Three Little Pigs). It's been years since he died, and I miss him every damn day, even though I have another dog (Gwen) now. :cry: You just get used to the missing being there until it becomes a "friendly miss" that's part of you as much as the dog was. Better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all, in my case, cuz my life was made so much better by Zeke.:worship:
I'm very sorry to hear about the loss of your companion. You've probably spent more time with your dog in three months than most people here in the states do in their lifetime.

Sorry for your loss. :cry:
well here's to have a little laugh after the tears :

As seen in a dog's diary:

7 am Oh boy! A walk! My favorite!

8 am Oh boy! Dog food! My favorite!

9 am Oh boy! The kids! My favorite!

Noon Oh boy! The yard! My favorite!

2 pm Oh boy! A car ride! My favorite!

3 pm Oh boy! The kids! My favorite!

4 pm Oh boy! Playing ball! My favorite!

6 pm Oh boy! Welcome home Mom! My favorite!

7 pm Oh boy! Welcome home Dad! My favorite!

8 pm Oh boy! Dog food! My favorite!

9 pm Oh boy! Tummy rubs on the couch! My favorite!

11 pm Oh boy! Sleeping in my people's bed! My favorite!

As seen in a cat's diary:

Day 183 of my captivity ... My captors continued to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects.

They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while I am forced to eat dry cereal.

The only thing that keeps me going is the hope of escape, and the mild satisfaction that I get from clawing their furniture.

Tomorrow I will eat another houseplant.

Today my attempt to kill my captors by weaving around their feet while they were walking almost succeeded - must try this at the top of the stairs.

In an attempt to disgust and repulse these vile oppressors, I once again induced myself to vomit on their favorite chair. I must remember to try this on their bed.

Decapitated a mouse and brought them the headless body in an attempt to make them aware of what I am capable of, and to try to strike fear in their hearts. They only cooed and condescended about what a good little cat I was. Hmmm, that did not work according to plan There was some sort of gathering of their accomplices. I was placed in solitary throughout the event. However, I could hear the noise and smell the food. More important, I overheard that my confinement was due to my powers of inducing "allergies." I must learn what this is and how I may use it to my advantage.

I am convinced the other captives are flunkies and maybe snitches. The dog is routinely released and seems more than happy to return. He is obviously a half-wit. The bird, on the other hand, has got to be an informant. He speaks with them regularly. I am certain he reports my every move. Due to his current placement in the metal room, his safety is assured. But I have patience. I can wait. It is only a matter of time.....