Thansk alot Yllmar. Yes, I did spent ALOT OF TIME WITH HIM. Its not so much the numbers of hours but the quality of the time you give it... Most people spend alot of hours or not with the dog but never quality time. The time that I spent with him was precious. If I say i spend 2 hours with him people might be thinking, well thats not much but when I say 2 hours I mean 2 hours of EDUCATION. 5 months and some lady in the park who had 2 dogs was impress with my dog with is behavior and so was alot of people, again, if you know dogs thats pretty good. And its not just me, Thor was smart, most German sheppards are! What could is is spending 5 hours with the dog ONLY petting him for your own affectionnal needs and then hitting them in the stomach cuz your 3 month old dog crapped on the floor? There is only 2 things infinite in this world, the universe and human ignorance. 

yllmar said:I'm very sorry to hear about the loss of your companion. You've probably spent more time with your dog in three months than most people here in the states do in their lifetime.
Sorry for your loss.![]()