In Memory


Scavenger of Human Sorrow
Mar 3, 2002
Rockville, MD
finally bought it today for only 8$!!
This CD fucking kicks ass!!!!!!! I love it!
Only one more Nevermore CD and i hav completed my Nevermore collection!
I love the title track,but I haven't listend to the cd in a while...:( I believe I have to burn it for Amos for X-mas."The Sorrowed Man" is a very emotional song.When I first heard "Matricide",I thought it sounded very Opeth-ish,music wise.
"7 cds for 20 bucks? sounds like someone was in the bargin bin!"
No, joined, they don't have much, but I picked 7 and two others and now I am going to leave while the leaving is good. Wait, the saying doesn't go like that does it? Oh, the hell with it.
Well, I got some Iron Maiden that I didn't have, a few Dream Theater, some Savatage, Flotsam and Jetsam, Queensryche, Yes, Rush. They also have King Diamond, Judas Priest, Death (only Symbolic though) Megadeth, Bruce (need I say his last name), Halford and a couple of other, but I guess that isn't too big of a surprise, sort of a surprise though. But the funny thing is that they had all of these bands, but no Metallica. None, at all. Strange.
Not for the $1 bin...
but $1 bins are great you can never bitch like WD does...
Metallica is fucking expensive these days :eek:

Back in the day, i got ...And Justice for all for $15, and when i went to get a new copy the other day (I wore the old one out :D ), it was going for $32 :eek:

Mind you, i scored the Master or Puppets VINYL for SIXau :lol: $6 for a 15 year old vinyl, brand new and still in wrapping! :lol:
Originally posted by Lord of Metal
Well, I got some Iron Maiden that I didn't have, a few Dream Theater, some Savatage, Flotsam and Jetsam, Queensryche, Yes, Rush. They also have King Diamond, Judas Priest, Death (only Symbolic though) Megadeth, Bruce (need I say his last name), Halford and a couple of other, but I guess that isn't too big of a surprise, sort of a surprise though. But the funny thing is that they had all of these bands, but no Metallica. None, at all. Strange.
yeh, i stick with my original statment. only a few of those are metal, and they're all american or brittish, and they're all really big names. death is a surprise. add 1 point to BMGs many many negative points hehe.