In your opinion...the most epic song?


I am a leaf on the wind
Sep 18, 2006
Everywhere and nowhere
The definition is going to be different for different people, tastes, etc, but I'm wondering what in your opinion is the most epic song in your collection?

I actually haven't tried to quantify it before, but I'll throw out Emerald Sword by Rhapsody as a start.
Epic is a subjective term. But in terms of epicness, goodness, and length, I'll give it to: Symphony X - The Odyssey, Blind Guardian - And Then There Was Silence, and Kalisia - Cybion.
I'll be the first one to say Light of Day Day of Darkness, since that one song is 60m:00s long.
I could also say "The Key To the Gates of Apocalyspe" by Mistigo Varggarth Darkestrah, which was a side project from the loony tune in Nocturnal Mortem. It's one song, 72 minutes long (!!!!) , but I sold it once the NM guys went National Socialist idiotic
Like I said, it's subjective. Interesting that most associate it with length of the song. To me, it's more the elements of the song. The bombastic symphonic sounds, the layered choruses, and lots of other elements that my untrained musical brain has no clue what you call them, but my right half knows it likes.

"Avantasia - The Seven Angels"
Fates Warning "A Pleasant Shade of Gray"

Iron Maiden "Rime of the Ancient Mariner"

Blind Guardian "....And Then There Was Silence"

Dream Theater "Learning To Live"
definition of epic on the web: very imposing or impressive; surpassing the ordinary (especially in size or scale); "an epic voyage"; "of heroic proportions"; "heroic sculpture".

Agree on the Rush songs already mentioned. Some might say that Iron Maiden's "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" is epic based on length, but I would opt for "Hallowed Be Thy Name".