Indiana Jones DVD set

No no no. All I've heard from in this new turd that has fallen into my drink are (and correct me if I'm wrong) Jedi Masters, Padawans and council members. Where are the fucking knights? And when is Yoda going to train Obi-Wan, like he said he did in Empire? If someone is referred to as a Jedi KNIGHT in episode one OR two, I would like to know where. Like you, I grew up with these films, saw them in their original theatrical runs and didn't even mind too much when Lucas tried to shine them up a little for the special editions, but these pieces of digital shit he's insisting we live with are downright blasphemous. It's not just the sterile, wooden acting or the 7th grade dialogue, it's the fact that he seemed to forget these are PREQUELS. The story is already set up and it was beautiful, but he betrayed the depth and mystery of it all so badly that it doesn't even matter what the hell happens in episode 3. Midicholiants? Padawans? R2 can fly? C3P0 can do backflips? All the stormtroopers are clones of Boba Fett's DAD????? Oh, sweet Jesus.....

I wish to God I could just take it all a face value, but stunning visuals weren't the only thing that made the first three classics of international cinema. These new films are nothing more than ads for the toys, which puzzles me because Lucas and his whole company were already rich. If you were rich and had a franchise everyone will go see anyway, wouldn't you try to make something that was incredible on every level? Thank God for Lord Of The Rings. THAT trilogy is taking a lot of the STING of disappointment away from waiting 16 years for Darth Vader's backstory, and then getting served up "The Phantom Menace". Wake me up, mama! Please!!!!!
Knock Renfield said:
I've also heard he intends to change things about the films for DVD release to dovetail into this new PIECE OF SHIT trilogy (which betrays a bunch of KEY plot points from the first three), such as adding the ghost of Queen Amidala to the end scene in Return Of The Jedi.
This rumor was presented to Rick McCallum (Executive Producer) about a year or two ago. His response was, "What planet are you from?" Until you actually hear Lucas say it with your own ears or it's posted on Star, follow the advice of Flavor Flav. "Don't believe the hype."
Knock made some pretty neet points but i still love the story. Yes, i agree Lucas has not even come close to A new hope or jedi and empire was my fav so he's way off mark. Knock in episode 2 Obi wan was a master and anikin was his padewan... Qui Gon was obi-wans master but Yoda im sure trained him in the temple bro, they just didnt put in on film.
Knock Renfield said:
No no no. All I've heard from in this new turd that has fallen into my drink are (and correct me if I'm wrong) Jedi Masters, Padawans and council members. Where are the fucking knights?THE NIGHTS FOUGHT AGAINST TRADE FEDERATION ROBOTS ON GEONOSIOUS! And when is Yoda going to train Obi-Wan, like he said he did in Empire?LIKE I SAID NOT PUT ON FILM BUT IM SURE HE TRAINED HIM. If someone is referred to as a Jedi KNIGHT in episode one OR two, I would like to know where.THEY ARE ALL JEDI KNIGHTS!! MINUS THE YOUNGLINGS DONT YOU THINK? Like you, I grew up with these films, saw them in their original theatrical runs and didn't even mind too much when Lucas tried to shine them up a little for the special editions, but these pieces of digital shit he's insisting we live with are downright blasphemous. It's not just the sterile, wooden acting or the 7th grade dialogue, it's the fact that he seemed to forget these are PREQUELS. The story is already set up and it was beautiful, but he betrayed the depth and mystery of it all so badly that it doesn't even matter what the hell happens in episode 3.EPISODE 3 MORE THEN ANY OF THE OTHERS SHOULD MATTER THE MOST.....ANIKINS RISE TO JEDI THEN FALL FROM GRACE AND RETURNED TO THE LIGHT SIDE IS ALL ABOUT VADER SO I CANT RELATE THERE. Midicholiants? Padawans? R2 can fly? R2 FLYING WAS STUPID, I MEAN SHIT THEY COULDA USED THAT A LONG TIME AGO! C3P0 can do backflips? All the stormtroopers are clones of Boba Fett's DAD????? WELL WHO DID YOU THINK WAS UNDER THE HELMETS? REGULAR SOILDERS? Oh, sweet Jesus.....

I wish to God I could just take it all a face value, but stunning visuals weren't the only thing that made the first three classics of international cinema.SO TRUE YOU ARE!!! These new films are nothing more than ads for the toys, which puzzles me because Lucas and his whole company were already rich. If you were rich and had a franchise everyone will go see anyway, wouldn't you try to make something that was incredible on every level?THAT WOULD BE LIKE PUTTING PERFUME ON A DEAD PIGS PUSSY! Thank God for Lord Of The Rings.TRUE AGAIN!! THAT trilogy is taking a lot of the STING of disappointment away from waiting 16 years for Darth Vader's backstory, and then getting served up "The Phantom Menace". Wake me up, mama! Please!!!!!

i hope episode 3 will blow 1 and 2 away but face it will be there for the opening night show!
shadow walker said:
Knock made some pretty neet points but i still love the story. Yes, i agree Lucas has not even come close to A new hope or jedi and empire was my fav so he's way off mark. Knock in episode 2 Obi wan was a master and anikin was his padewan... Qui Gon was obi-wans master but Yoda im sure trained him in the temple bro, they just didnt put in on film.
Then why didn't Obi-Wan mention him even ONCE in the first three films? Why didn't he mention the word Padawan? Why didn't he mention even the NOTION or CONCEPT of a Padawan? The reason is this: Jedi don't train other Jedi! A Jedi doesn't have the wisdom to impart on his apprentice to keep him from the dark side. I quote:

"I took it upon myself to train him as a Jedi. I thought I could train him as well as Yoda. I was wrong..." This implies that Jedi masters (like Yoda) are supposed to train Jedi KNIGHTS, of which none appear in Ep.1 or 2. No mention of Qui-Gon here.

And another thing (this is one of the few points of interest to me for the next film), they had BETTER explain why C3PO had NO recollection of Tattoine at the beginning of Star Wars. This, of course, isn't yet another tooth I get to sink into these PIECE OF SHIT new "Star Wars" movies. I've got plenty. I'm glad you enjoy the new movies, I wish I could, but they ask me to suspend too much disbelief.
shadow walker said:
i hope episode 3 will blow 1 and 2 away but face it will be there for the opening night show!
Most certainly not the opening night, but you're right...I will see it, but only at a matinee. And I want to know WHEN they referred to anyone as a Jedi Knight. All I heard through the whole thing is "Master Obi-Wan" or "Master Qui-Gon" or "My young Padawan". They also said in the new films that all Jedi have apprentices, but only one. Hence, Jedi Masters and Padawans. No Knights.

Perfume on a dead pig's pussy? I'm gonna have to write that one down, but I don't think it applies too much to what I said. I've never thought of the first three films as a dead pig's pussy. That's a cool quote, though, dude! You rock!
smylex said:
This rumor was presented to Rick McCallum (Executive Producer) about a year or two ago. His response was, "What planet are you from?" Until you actually hear Lucas say it with your own ears or it's posted on Star, follow the advice of Flavor Flav. "Don't believe the hype."
Good point, but I never would have believed in a million years that Lucas would make R2D2 fly, put a character like Jar Jar Binks in a pivotal role, feature Yoda in a lightsaber fight, cast a boy band as Jedis or have a five year old explain why a planet is missing from the Jedi archives when Obi-Wan couldn't figure it out. If you had told me these things in 1983, I would have laughed and said "Don't believe the hype!" Nothing this man does anymore shocks me (unless he makes Episode 3 a really good film, which it likely WON'T be).
you are definately in tune with your feelings on star wars dude!

I agree they will have to get r2 and c3po's memories erased.

luke says in empire he feels like he's been here or something like that, im wondering if luke and lea will be born on dagobah.

i really wanna see vader hunt down and kill all the jedi-hope it aint to chicken shit!

when he steps out in the vader mask and breaths deep im gonna spirt on the person in front of me... i know what a geek huh?! bwahahahha!

anikin vs obi wan round 1 should be a good fight, vader killing dooku should be tits and the final battle has to be good, it just has too! it cant end with jar jar creatures throwing electric balls at everyone, i'll riot! GOZ FRA BAAAAA!

im am also glad LOTR movies are in full tilt too cause im way into the story and cant wait till christmas to see it. I wanna see wormtongue smashed in the groin area with a really big hammer!!

salute. :grin:
I haven't had time to open my Raiders set yet, but many reviewers are complaining that The Temple of Doom has been edited from a PG-13 movie to a PG movie thus scenes like the heart being removed during the sacrifice has been toned down or completely deleted.

Ugh, I really hate when they do that! :( I hope Speilberg and Lucas didn't remove all of the guns from the Raiders series and put walkie-talkies in everyone's hands instead (like ET).

I hate to see what is in store for the Star Wars box set. I wonder if they will still allow the footage of Obi Wan defending Luke in the Mos Eisley cantina by removing an alien's arm with his lightsaber?

The altering of past movies treasures should be illegal, at the very least let people chiose what version they want to watch.
What the fuck are you talking about? What the fuck are they talking about? I've said it before and I'll say it again that when it comes to rumors such as this: DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE!

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom has not been changed from PG-13 to PG. It never was PG-13! The first ever PG-13 film was Runaway which came out about 3 months after Temple of Doom. The scene with the heart is still intact (even if the heart isn't! :grin: ) in Temple of Doom so, relax and have another beer. I just watched it, so I can verify that these reviewers are full of shit!
smylex said:
The scene with the heart is still intact (even if the heart isn't! :grin: ) in Temple of Doom so, relax and have another beer. I just watched it, so I can verify that these reviewers are full of shit!

That's odd. I haven't watched it yet, but these people, on different review/movie message boards say they have and it has been edited. I don't know what their motives would be for lying about this, but I am glad nothing has been altered.

However, after the ET alteration (substituting radios for guns), it is easily believable that Speilberg could have edited the Radiers series also.
smylex said:
What the fuck are you talking about? What the fuck are they talking about? I've said it before and I'll say it again that when it comes to rumors such as this: DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE!

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom has not been changed from PG-13 to PG. It never was PG-13! The first ever PG-13 film was Runaway which came out about 3 months after Temple of Doom. The scene with the heart is still intact (even if the heart isn't! :grin: ) in Temple of Doom so, relax and have another beer. I just watched it, so I can verify that these reviewers are full of shit!
Actually, Red Dawn was the first film to be released with the PG-13 rating, although Flamingo Kid was the first to be given the rating (it wasn't released until five months later). Runaway wasn't released until 1985.
Knock Renfield said:
Actually, Red Dawn was the first film to be released with the PG-13 rating, although Flamingo Kid was the first to be given the rating (it wasn't released until five months later). Runaway wasn't released until 1985.

Runaway was released prior to Kiss' tour in support of the Animalize album which came out in 1984. Gene was wearing a wig for that tour because his hair was still short from the filming of Runaway. The copyright date on Runaway is 1984. Paul Stanley was left in charge of production on Animalize since Gene was out of the studio and in Canada for filming.
At least for ET, spielberg also included the unaltered original version on DVD too. So making those changes and releasing a new version isn't a problem as long as the old version is released. I dont really care about SW one way or another, but it would be nice to see the originals unaltered along with the new versions when they eventually get released.
smylex said:
Runaway was released prior to Kiss' tour in support of the Animalize album which came out in 1984. Gene was wearing a wig for that tour because his hair was still short from the filming of Runaway. The copyright date on Runaway is 1984. Paul Stanley was left in charge of production on Animalize since Gene was out of the studio and in Canada for filming.
The copyright date is 1984 (my mistake), but Runaway isn't the first film to pull a PG-13. ONE of them, but not the first. A classic film in any case, Gene Simmons made one of the creepiest villains in movies ever. Wanted Dead Or Alive was killer, too.