Knock Renfield
No no no. All I've heard from in this new turd that has fallen into my drink are (and correct me if I'm wrong) Jedi Masters, Padawans and council members. Where are the fucking knights? And when is Yoda going to train Obi-Wan, like he said he did in Empire? If someone is referred to as a Jedi KNIGHT in episode one OR two, I would like to know where. Like you, I grew up with these films, saw them in their original theatrical runs and didn't even mind too much when Lucas tried to shine them up a little for the special editions, but these pieces of digital shit he's insisting we live with are downright blasphemous. It's not just the sterile, wooden acting or the 7th grade dialogue, it's the fact that he seemed to forget these are PREQUELS. The story is already set up and it was beautiful, but he betrayed the depth and mystery of it all so badly that it doesn't even matter what the hell happens in episode 3. Midicholiants? Padawans? R2 can fly? C3P0 can do backflips? All the stormtroopers are clones of Boba Fett's DAD????? Oh, sweet Jesus.....
I wish to God I could just take it all a face value, but stunning visuals weren't the only thing that made the first three classics of international cinema. These new films are nothing more than ads for the toys, which puzzles me because Lucas and his whole company were already rich. If you were rich and had a franchise everyone will go see anyway, wouldn't you try to make something that was incredible on every level? Thank God for Lord Of The Rings. THAT trilogy is taking a lot of the STING of disappointment away from waiting 16 years for Darth Vader's backstory, and then getting served up "The Phantom Menace". Wake me up, mama! Please!!!!!
I wish to God I could just take it all a face value, but stunning visuals weren't the only thing that made the first three classics of international cinema. These new films are nothing more than ads for the toys, which puzzles me because Lucas and his whole company were already rich. If you were rich and had a franchise everyone will go see anyway, wouldn't you try to make something that was incredible on every level? Thank God for Lord Of The Rings. THAT trilogy is taking a lot of the STING of disappointment away from waiting 16 years for Darth Vader's backstory, and then getting served up "The Phantom Menace". Wake me up, mama! Please!!!!!