

Apr 1, 2003
Peterborough, UK
I've been getting into Industrial recently - alot of Nine Inch Nails, Children and Chainsaws, Alec Empire, Vast.
My taste has gone rather strange.

Was just wondering if anyone here listens to Industrial too? And what sort of bands they like/could recommend?

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pffft...Of Course Nine Inch Nails are industrial...non of this rammstein fake industrial...or this cyber goth - velvet acid christ n zeromancer, nin are the bog standard industrial
How the hell can NIN be classed at pop rock?! so they're up on the same level as like Linkin Park n all that? Ministry are an amazing band and yes no matter wot genre NIN are they're amazing but its insulting to have them placed next to all these pop bands
MINISTRY - rape & honey + mind + psalm 69
NIN - pretty hate machine + broken + downward spiral
RAMSTEIN - herzeleid + sehnsucht + mutter
WUMPSCUT - embryo dead + bunker gate 7 + dried blood
SPAHN RANCH - anthology
REVOLTING COCKS - beers, steers, queers
SKINNY PUPPY - singles collection + VIVIsectVI + rabies + mind
KMFDM - naive to present (lots of albums)
LEATHERSTRIP - retrospective + fit for flogging + penetrate the satanic
FRONT 242 - official version + front by front

This should be enough for now.
Necros said:
LEATHERSTRIP - retrospective + fit for flogging + penetrate the satanic

Do not listen to this, these are the worst æ albums.

Get Solitary Confinement, Underneath the Laughter, The Legacy of Hate and Lust, and Self-Inflicted... they are infinitely superior. There's no way I can listen to songs like Go Fuck Your Ass Off off of Fit For Flogging without bursting into tears of unintentionally inspired hilarity.