Inearthed tabs and lyrics

Sulo Seppä

Sep 6, 2006
Hey, I haven't been able to find these (except the homeland pt 2 in tab thread), does anybody have or know them? I would really like these, especially the tabs but I also want to know the lyrics because I have no idea on what he is saying on any song, except I think he says 'grave' or something...

I know it's sad but only a few months ago did I find out Children of Bodom was Inearthed, but I had those demos for a while now before I know who bodom was :Saint:
Yeah, i also want to know the lyrics for Inearthed! Alexi writes amazing lyrics so i'd like to know what kind of stuff he wrote before Bodom.
Sulo Seppä;5642353 said:
Hey, I haven't been able to find these (except the homeland pt 2 in tab thread), does anybody have or know them? I would really like these, especially the tabs but I also want to know the lyrics because I have no idea on what he is saying on any song, except I think he says 'grave' or something...

I know it's sad but only a few months ago did I find out Children of Bodom was Inearthed, but I had those demos for a while now before I know who bodom was :Saint:

Alexi is difficult to understand on the Inearthed songs. He sounds similar to what he did on Something Wild.
There you can find some lyrics: IneartheD Lyrics

I'm not sure are they correct.. at least especially Implosion of Heaven lyrics are very imperfect...