Inertia Rise?


New Metal Member
Feb 9, 2004
I've heard rumours that a band called Inertia Rise are to play, unsure which day.
Jus showing an interest because I know the band, they dont know wether the festival they're playing is bloodstock or not, but its in derby around the same time, they're waiting for more details from the contact who's organised it.
Any info would be great
You what?? as in wigan's very own? bloody hell, i've been on a set wi them! :S if we're talkin this kinda region, Scarlet Bullet Lake would be a great addition also!
mckjerral said:
I've heard rumours that a band called Inertia Rise are to play, unsure which day.
Jus showing an interest because I know the band, they dont know wether the festival they're playing is bloodstock or not, but its in derby around the same time, they're waiting for more details from the contact who's organised it.
Any info would be great
Sorry, but I have not heard of these before?
yes wigan-ish's own :p

does indeed seem that way, damn, woulda been cool
ah well should never trust things im told when wasted
lol, scarlet bullet lake seem much more like Bloodstock material to me, last time i saw them IR still sounded a little too much like Deftones...good band, but not quite Bloodstocky, imho...