Official Bloodstock 2009 thread

I am bright red and peeling. I brought some sun spray that was sun cream and cooling spray all in one and it was a bit pants (it tasted like hair spray so you couldn't get a good amount on without gagging).


In the words of my friend: "He pretty much ran the festival. He should have been a headliner =("

i think i just got a new one for my soundcheck repertoire there....
"head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes" :P
oh yes Hans, use this one, too - then the people (including us) have an even better/more amusing time ;)
Maybe we should collect somewhen some nice sentences for you to be used in soundcheck(s) :p
i think i just got a new one for my soundcheck repertoire there....
"head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes" :P

Yes but sing it in random languages and see just how long it takes people to figure it out (this has nothing to do with the fact I was sat at a house party on friday night singing it in German with a friend and watching everyone else's confused faces...)
serious question?
I am not sure due to that smiley ;)

Even I do know that, though being not even interested in Harry Potter :P

't was actually a serious question. i might be the only person on the hemisphere who's actively managed to not read any of the books, or seen any of the movies (and intending to keep it like that)
't was actually a serious question. i might be the only person on the hemisphere who's actively managed to not read any of the books, or seen any of the movies (and intending to keep it like that)

I have to seriously disappoint you - you aren´t as unique as you think you are ;)
I neither read a single page of this books, nor watched a millisecond of the films - and don´t plan on changing that.
(but some of my friends annoyed me with it -.-)

Hope I got the right ones (but I think so)...
@ cari, those are indeed the Dutch names. Dumbledore = Perkamentus and Snape = Sneep (o rly?)

@ Hans and Cari, you're not missing much. I have read the first 4 books and saw the first 3 movies. And they are just hyped. Both the books and the movies are mediocre at best.
Another BOA Review

And in case the link doesn't work

Anyone and everyone at the festival would have noticed an army of fans dressed in the rags of their favourite band. This is just one example of the popularity of TURISAS (8.5). Today they not only take over the stage but turn Bloodstock into their very own battlefield. Tracks like the storming 'Battle metal' drive one of the biggest crowds of the weekend into a blood splashed hysteria while 'Rasputin' kickstarts the biggest dance seen anywhere in Derbyshire for years. Musically Turisas weren't brilliant, but in terms of entertainment they decapitated the opposition.
just thought i'd let you all know i upgraded my 'chocolate is good' stuff to 'martha stewart's viking-shaped chocolate chip cookies are good' but chocolate is still better'
I will try to find someone...let´s hope I find someone, I desperately need something to have a laugh about :D