Inexpensive guitar+active pickups. Viable?


Resident Jedi Knight
Oct 27, 2009
Goa, India
I need a good workhorse guitar primarily for stage use. I already have a guitar...
It's an old (2005, I believe) model of an Ibanez RG Gio something that I bought for some 13,000 Rupees (ROUGHLY 250 USD) back in the day. BUT it's actually a surprisingly good sounding guitar. I am looking to put an active pickup in it in the bridge position (and have NO neck/middle pickups, I barely use themanyway) for 4 reasons:
1) They seem to sound more consistent, i.e. they do not depend THAT much on tonewood to sound great
2) They seem to be a lot quieter than passives (in my experience, at least).

3) I need a fucking shitload of output. :grin:

4) I hate soldering. I suck at it.

So my question is this: Is it viable? If so, please recommend what pickup I should go for.
EMG 81, EMG 85, EMG X series, SD Blackout, Mick Thomson Blackout,...

The guitar has a basswood body, bolt on maple neck, and a rosewood fretboard.

Thanks for the help, guys! :)
I apologize for posting the thread twice. Clicked twice by mistake.
Mods, kindly do the needful and remove one of these threads, please? Thank you! :)

Edit: Please remove THIS thread, I've made edits to the OP in the other one, thanks!