Inferno Festival

I thought the sound did get better during Epochalypse. After that I thought the whole show sounded pretty good, or maybe I just got used to it. I was right in front of the sound board so maybe that helped.
Seems he can't handle the double bass of Dave just yet. He has time to learn though :rock:

That's sad. I just have reached home 3 hours ago and the first thing I'm doing is reading all the post :P and now Im listening my recordings....

If all of you think the video above is bad.... I have bad news, my recordings sounds worst :'( and my f****g shitty cam works pretty bad on low light conditions, plus, the movie looks pretty blur a lot of times.

Not sure if will worth to upload these videos to youtube.
Thats too bad :'(
Hello guys!

Sorry for the bad quality (I have said my camera sucks? :P), hope you like it.

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Cool, it's from their rehearsal at Inferno with only a few people.

Nop, it wasn't a rehearsal, and no, it wasnt at Inferno, it was a gig one day before they played on Inferno which was placed on the Volt Club on Lorenskog.

What's the idea on repost this videos anyway. :P
The third song :D

Wow, these are great - thanks so much for posting them. Even if the sound on the recordings isn't that good, it's still really nice to be able to watch them. I think Ad Noctum sounds a little better than the other two.

You didn't happen to get any Arcturus video did you? :)
Yeah, I have recorded the complete show :)
And same as Borknagar at Volt, only some seconds from some songs where lost, since I had to change the batteries or the SD memory between songs.
That's awesome. These 3 videos are very nice visually. I don't think I would have had such a steady hand.

Any chance I can convince you to post Shipwrecked Frontier Pioneer next? That's a special one for me and I've found video of most of the other songs at least at the Helsinki and Athens shows, but no Shipwrecked.

If you are going in order though I will be patient. :)
Sure!, I will upload Shipwrecked Frontier Pioneer.
SADLY, the sound is really really bad, the Borknagar videos sounds pretty good if you compare it with my recordings of Arcuturs :( I was on the second floor and the videos are almost unlistenable when everybody are playing loud. :'(

Anyways, I will upload the video tomorrow.

EDIT: But today, I have uploaded this one! :D

What a great grim vocals by Andreas, Isn't it?

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Sure!, I will upload Shipwrecked Frontier Pioneer.
SADLY, the sound is really really bad, the Borknagar videos sounds pretty good if you compare it with my recordings of Arcuturs :( I was on the second floor and the videos are almost unlistenable when everybody are playing loud. :'(

Anyways, I will upload the video tomorrow.

EDIT: But today, I have uploaded this one! :D

What a great grim vocals by Andreas, Isn't it?
Very nice! :) I really enjoyed this one at Rockefeller. (I probably would have been happy with almost anything from Empiricism though). :)
:rock: nice vid. despite that, as one of my fave bork songs, it's kindova bummer that there wasn't more involvement vocally from lars and vortex, like if vortex did the cleans on the chorus at the same time andreas did the harshes, that would just be epic.
I remember thinking the same thing about their set as a whole. It was great getting to hear what we did from the 3 vocalists, but I did think that they could have done a little more with that. Maybe it's a case where they'd really need to rehearse a lot more to pull something like that off, and will have to work towards doing more of it in the future. At least we can hope. :)
:rock: nice vid. despite that, as one of my fave bork songs, it's kindova bummer that there wasn't more involvement vocally from lars and vortex, like if vortex did the cleans on the chorus at the same time andreas did the harshes, that would just be epic.

Well, not really sure, probably is just me, but this song is perfect for Andreas and the best thing they did was letting Andreas sing all the song all alone.

In other songs which were originally performed by Vortex the game was on that way giving us a real epic moments.
e.g. Ruins of the future (Andreas doing the grim and Lars and Vortex the clean at the same time) or Colossus (Vortex the clean and the backing grim by Andreas) I dont know why this song sounds really bad on my recordings :'(, you will see once I upload this song :(

Well, for now, I will share the link to Shiprwecked
I said on the recordings of Arcturus the sound is pretty worst? :'( SORRY!
I dont think if will worth to upload more videos of Arcturus. (AT least my recordings) since the sound is crap :(

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Well, for now, I will share the link to Shiprwecked
I said on the recordings of Arcturus the sound is pretty worst? :'( SORRY!
I dont think if will worth to upload more videos of Arcturus. (AT least my recordings) since the sound is crap :(

Thank you thank you thank you thank you, mange takk, and gracias. :) I know the sound isn't too good, but I still loved to see it. It helps me to kind of put myself back at the show. :) I would love to see the rest, when you have time, after the Borknagar ones are done. And if you don't want to leave them up forever, I'd be happy with just seeing them once. :)
Well, not really sure, probably is just me, but this song is perfect for Andreas and the best thing they did was letting Andreas sing all the song all alone.

In other songs which were originally performed by Vortex the game was on that way giving us a real epic moments.
e.g. Ruins of the future (Andreas doing the grim and Lars and Vortex the clean at the same time) or Colossus (Vortex the clean and the backing grim by Andreas) I dont know why this song sounds really bad on my recordings :'(, you will see once I upload this song :(

Well, for now, I will share the link to Shiprwecked
I said on the recordings of Arcturus the sound is pretty worst? :'( SORRY!
I dont think if will worth to upload more videos of Arcturus. (AT least my recordings) since the sound is crap :(

Shipwrecked Frontier Pioneer

Despite the quality I still enjoyed it, thanks! It's cool to hear Hellhammer use some alternate drumming here compared to the album version.