InfiNight - Cool band, similar to Communic


Demon of the Fall
Jun 22, 2003
New York City
I know there are fans of Communic here, and I was just turned onto this band who have a somewhat similar sound, so I thought I'd spread the word. You can download their entire album at their site here. Enjoy! :kickass:
l'm not getting the Communic comparison. To me, this is more thrash than prog or power. But, it's not bad for what it is. Definitely a good find...especially at the price. ;)

I agree - I don't see the Communic comparison either, but still sounds pretty good. Granted the quality of the free download is pretty low, but still sounds pretty good on my setup. But then again, I don't expect a band to give away a high-quality rip of thier album, but is nice when one does. Indeed, a good find.

EDIT: Now that I've had a chance to listen to most of that album, if anything, it kinda reminds me more of Symphorce and similiar than it does Communic. Regardless, I like it - it is pretty kick-ass! If I can come across an actual copy of the album, may end up getting it.
I can see the Communic comparison but I also think it is still very different. Great find shaq, I'm really enjoying their stuff.