Info On Some Bands

The only ones I've heard are Ministry and Skinny Puppy which are both amazing if you like industrial stuff. Especially about Ministry check their album "Psalm 69: The Way To Succeed And The Way To Suck Eggs"
And with Joy Division you don't have agreat deal of choice ;) Get "Closer" first anyway! They're traditional goth rock, early 80's style :)

Bauhaus I'd recommend "Gotham" (again, trad goth rock, slightly later) as it covers much of their career. I agree completely with my most excellent friend Kveldssanger on Ministry and Skinny Puppy :grin:
Revolting Cocks is a good band if you like weird music, it's pretty good.They do a remake of Rod Stewarts do ya think i'm sexy?, i thought it was very funny.They sound good and they sound a lot like ministry,Al Jourgensen is the lead singer.