Information on Earthlink Capacity


Neuroses Facilitator
This question is to Glenn or whomever could answer. I see that 900 tickets are available for purchase, yet in the news it says the capacity of the venue is 1500. I know in addition to the 900, there are 250 gold badge holders, correct? So where do the other 350 tickets go, or are they not sold? Please let me know if my numbers are on the money.
Meph is right. The "official" listed capacity is 1,200 (although I could sell another 100 without breaking any laws). By the the time you add crews, bands, VIPs, press, guest lists, etc. I end up with another 300 people. It's actually been that way for the past few years so you should not sweat any more "crowding." I fairly certain that there has never been close to 1,200 people in there at one time. There is always at least a 100 people in the lobby at any given time, even during the headliners sets.

I have been short-changed in the media several times on my actual numbers due to the regular tickets being the only ones reported. I figured it was time for the truth to come out and that 1,500 people are at the show.

Glenn H.