Infos About Johan DeFarfalla?!?

Hails Guys
i would like to know if there´s any way to know/contact Johan DeFarfalla.. cause i missed his bass tones and bass works on opeth´s morningrise, and i want to hear he playing .If anyone of you knows in which band he´s now,please,write it here
fucking hails and thanks in advance.
Minion520 said:
mike played bass on both those albums


Mike from the Morningrise Sessions (1996)
Still confused about this one. If Mike played bass on Morningrise, then why does the bass on MAYH sound completely different? It's more than just an artist changing up his style a little, it's fucking night and day stylistically and the mentality behind the bass lines. Yeah, I really don't think that all these people screaming that Mike played bass on MR can actually validate it with any proof. If there's an interview or something, I'd like to read it.
Blackened Rainbow said:

And if jesus answer it I would like to know the reason of Johan DeFarfalla's quit?
I like Mendez but DeFarfalla is better with bass guitar.

Actually no, lol, not at all. Mendez > DeFarFalla.