Martin Vs. Johan

I definately love the work on Morningrise.... but Martin's work on Blackwater Park comes in at a close second. I play bass, and Morningrise is really fun to play. (well, TRY to play sometimes) Although Johans work on Orchid didn't stand out at all to me. Either way, they are both very good.
I think Martin is improving all the time. There is less room for the bassist now. As a bassist myself I loved the old style and Morningrise has that open feeling in the rhythm section like anything is possible. Martin is a great player though, he blew me away live so I think he is ego is held in check by the newer more cohesive songwriting of Opeth. I hate to always talk about Anglagard but I think the band must have been listening to Epilog during the Morningrise period. Not just the bass but some of the mellow sections as well. Opeth never went over the edge though as Anglagard did, wheter this is good or not is up to the individual but seeing as they are 1 and 2 on my all time list I can't comment.
de farfalla was a good bassist but he was ugly.... and look at it this way.... who is still playing for the band? mendez not de farfalla and also anders nordin or whatever the hell his name was..... opeth then made good music.... possibly too good but they were difficult people and anders looked like a crip... you dont have to pay any attetion to this reply cuz i just wanted to say that johan and anders were two ugly mother fudgers and they looked like total outcasts from the band and in any of theyre promo pics in the past they looked like they didnt want to be there and to tell you the truth i thought the were a disgrace to opeth
I´d Have to agree with Demonspell and what the hell is the relevance of their appearance.
godmachine12 said:
Martin can play that old stuff live just fine as well.

LIES! He plays a 4 string so he can't play parts of advent in the right octave! YAY! To that guy who made the comment about appearance, wow. I can't believe people are a "disgrace" to a band simply due to appearance. I think you should stick to WHAM! and Justin Timberlake if you're looking for hot guys instead of good musicians in your music.