Tools Lateralus A Masterpiece!!

yes TOOL does indeed kick ass. Aenima was the first song I learned to play on guitar. Lateralus is definitely an awesome album. Funny story about tool: I got a friend named Matt, Tool is his fav band of all time. He used to do alot of drugs and I dont mean pot although he did do that, Im talkin acid, shrooms, some kind of weird seeds, etc. Well he got scoliosis from all of that and now has a pretty obvious slump in his back. Man it almost seems as though that story was neither funny nor about Tool. Im sorry.
FreddieMercury said:
yes TOOL does indeed kick ass. Aenima was the first song I learned to play on guitar. Lateralus is definitely an awesome album. Funny story about tool: I got a friend named Matt, Tool is his fav band of all time. He used to do alot of drugs and I dont mean pot although he did do that, Im talkin acid, shrooms, some kind of weird seeds, etc. Well he got scoliosis from all of that and now has a pretty obvious slump in his back. Man it almost seems as though that story was neither funny nor about Tool. Im sorry.
Yeah I dont have anything negative to say about Tool. I heard a few songs here and there on the radio, but they dont really hold my interest. Anyway just to let you know, I've done just about everything, and none of those are the cause of Scoliosis, Scoliosis is the incorrect posture of the spine, none of that is related at all. Your post twas not funny nor did it have anything to do with Tool. Best regards to your humpbacked friend...

And yes I've been drinking... delicious...
I used to be a massive Tool fan but once Maynard started doing the whole APC thing I tuned out. I thought the vocal performances on Tools next album wouldnt be as strong or come as fast and sure enough it all came true. The vocals don't come close to the performance on AEnima and it took forever to release that fuckin album. AEnima IMO will never be topped. That album is on my top albums ever thats for sure eventhough I don't care for them anymore. When he did the deftones thing that was the nail in the coffin for my Tool days. Deftones suck major numetal dick and doing some faggot song with them is just homo. I'll never get over that and don't think I should. If Mike did a duet with some completely talentless queerbaits I'd cease listening to Opeth as well for those of you ready to ask that. I know he would never do that so I'm not scared btw. And too all those Danny Carey fans...he fuckin rules...I agree.
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I LOVE TOOL!! Lateralus is def my favourite album by them, opeth are my best band, NIN or My Dying Bride come next, but Tool come straight after. It did take a while to get into lateralus, but it was well worth it. Much better if you use a cd player that has no gap between Parabol and Parabola :D
It is my favorite album of all time, as well.

The only thing that bugged me about that interview is that he said "They're no Opeth." There is no way in the world that Opeth is more talented than Tool. Tool's song arrangements are much more mature, and the band members are just plain smarter. Opeth is, of course, my second favorite band. There's just no way they're better than Tool. I find myself distinguishing, a lot of the time, between the "best" and my "favorite." Tool is a better band, IMO, because of the chemistry that goes on between them all, and how each member contributes just as much to the songwriting as the other. Plus, they're just more out there. Opeth's songs are awesome, but some of them are just a bunch of riffs glued together. That's why I'm not too fond of The Drapery Falls.
KennonKun said:
It is my favorite album of all time, as well.

The only thing that bugged me about that interview is that he said "They're no Opeth." There is no way in the world that Opeth is more talented than Tool. Tool's song arrangements are much more mature, and the band members are just plain smarter. Opeth is, of course, my second favorite band. There's just no way they're better than Tool. I find myself distinguishing, a lot of the time, between the "best" and my "favorite." Tool is a better band, IMO, because of the chemistry that goes on between them all, and how each member contributes just as much to the songwriting as the other. Plus, they're just more out there. Opeth's songs are awesome, but some of them are just a bunch of riffs glued together. That's why I'm not too fond of The Drapery Falls.

you can't compare tool and opeth because of the difference in their respective sounds. their both great bands and i'm really not sure who's better, in my opinion...i like them equally as good.

also, about the "tool is metal" comments, i'll have to disagree with that because you can't really pigeonhole tool to one genre.....sure "ticks and leeches" and "parabola" might be metal, but those are just two songs. tool is in a genre of their own.
DreamingofUr said:
I used to be a massive Tool fan but once Maynard started doing the whole APC thing I tuned out. I thought the vocal performances on Tools next album wouldnt be as strong or come as fast and sure enough it all came true. The vocals don't come close to the performance on AEnima and it took forever to release that fuckin album. AEnima IMO will never be topped. That album is on my top albums ever thats for sure eventhough I don't care for them anymore. When he did the deftones thing that was the nail in the coffin for my Tool days. Deftones suck major numetal dick and doing some faggot song with them is just homo. I'll never get over that and don't think I should. If Mike did a duet with some completely talentless queerbaits I'd cease listening to Opeth as well for those of you ready to ask that. I know he would never do that so I'm not scared btw. And too all those Danny Carey fans...he fuckin rules...I agree.

wow, that's a great reason to stop listening to a genius band... :rolleyes:
ShroudOfDusk said:
I've listened to this CD for the past 2 years... and it always amazes me. It has its phases, where I'll listen to it for a week straight and then leave it for 6 months. If you hadnt noticed, both albums Aenima and Lateralus have a very hypnotic effect... you sort of get put into a trance by listening to them the whole way through... its very, very weird.
That's how it is with me... Tool is one amazing band. They put me in a "trance" too. It's VERY soulful music.
Tool is also a very big influence on my band. If you had to name 3 bands to describe our sound, it would be Opeth, Tool, and Cradle of Filth.
unknown said:
You realize there's a secret to lateralus? As in a correct way on how the tracks are supposed to play?
What, pray tell, is the secret? I prefer plain old 1 thru 13 myself. :loco:
mysweetdeath said:
That's how it is with me... Tool is one amazing band. They put me in a "trance" too. It's VERY soulful music.
Tool is also a very big influence on my band. If you had to name 3 bands to describe our sound, it would be Opeth, Tool, and Cradle of Filth.

well, it sounded good up until you said cradle of filth..