inhale technique

LoL at your user-name. Good stuff...

Um, the inhale technique is actually incredibly easy. Pull some air in, and play around with your throat and you'll get a noise. You can go really low (pig squeele type stuff) and kinda high too (like the Labm of God guy).

Try it :)
It's generally not as loud as exhale, but it shouldn't be too quite. Just inhale and try to make noise... You adjust the sound by pulling your neck back or forward, and also by adjusting how hard your pulling.
My singer in my bands can get really loud with inhales, and he screams at such high pitches that I developed tinnitus from him not taking out some of the treble in his PA at band practice one day.
use the dump tech the dump tech is like you are taking a shit u push with your belly not your lungs. Look up Melissa Cross and The Zen Of Screaming everyone is going to her now from Randy Blythe to Throwdown I think shes at

I use the dump tech on my highs I damn near black out though depending on how long I hold it Im getting stronger now but Melissa Cross teaches you breathing technics and how to project.
I dont know about you but when Im writing lyrics in my apartment
I cant scream full force I can only do a wisper type screams and they sound good highs and lows but I wasnt able to project them when I was rehearsing untill I used the dump technic. I can do them now Im getting better with them and not blacking out all the time when you push with the belly you can sustain longer also.
Check out
The quality isnt the best but we just started 2 weeks ago
I use to tear my throat up also when I was screaming when your just blantley screaming to get it out you do damage you dont have to scream all that loud you just have to learn to push it out not exhale it out but push it out with your belly. I dont have to excert as much force or use as much breath to be heard anymore. and learn how to take sips of air not big breaths in between lines. I scream louder than i did in my previous band without reall screaming at all I can do it all day long and not hurt myself. You have to learn how to breath how to project and how to push it out. Get the dvd of hers she teahes you simple excersises you can do everyday to make you stronger and have more stamina. Cuz you think your hurting now think how bad you would hurt haveing to run around on stage and do it also. And the first couple times you do push hard and get the scream you want out it may hurt a little becuase your throat is not use to it at all, the more you do it the better you become.
I cant really explain the breathing technic its basically called the "by the way" um, you take your initial breath of air until your bottom ribs begin to expand when this happens your diaphram is now in use, in between lines you just take sips of air not gulps as if you were to say to someone "oh by the way" the little sip of air you take to say that sentence to someone is what you realy on when your lungs are full you are good to go the sips of air keep your tank full, use the dump technic with that and your good to go. Practice this and with in a week you will be better than ever before. If you listen to the song on our myspace page its bad quality but you can still hear my scream wich up untill 2 months ago I couldnt do it at all, I was in a previous band about 3 years back and I could do a set but it was off pure adrenaline because I was just screaming my lungs out, to hit my highs I would get nose bleeds or vomit and extreme headachs I would be torn apart from the inside, then
before I started my new band my friend ordered Melissa Cross'
dvd I watched it once got the basic idea of what was going on was using the technic in my car and so on (which I dont think helps trying to match other screams or singing voices because you think you ar matching pitch cuz it sounds like it in your head but on the outside your not) in my car just doing raw screams with no music I think helps more also try putting an ear plug in one ear it will help you hear exactly what you sound like and to reach the pitch and tone you are looking for (excpecially when rehersing with a live band) The first 2 days with my band to reach them highs caused extreme short headachs and I almost blacked out a few times after that and sticking with it I can do it all day now with no pain (also the first 2 days my throat did get a little raw but not to the point of losing my voice, this is natrual because your throat is getting used to it) when this does happen its time for VOCAL REST very important no talking a good nights rest and some water youll be good as new, whispering does more damage than good so dont do that just dont talk or as little as possible.(remember rest and water) Like if you do shows at a bar or what not and after your done your trying to yell over everthing to talk to someone VERY BAD you will not beable to talk let alone scream or sing the next day. Try these tips and stress VOCAL REST.
Oh and as far as inhale technics that I know nothing about, it doesnt really make sence to me when your trying to project outwards by screaming inwards.
i konw it just im trying new things, i've got exhale screeming down, but i just need to leard some breathing techniques...
i dont realy get the whole "sip" this, can you explain please?
im trying it out but i just cant get it
I cant really explain it, without demonstration. It might be somewhere on Melissa Cross' myspace page or website might have a little clip of the technic.
Nevermind, I guess I can do the inhale scream I never tried it untill right now and its FUCKIN AWSOME its so easy to do to I just have to learn to transition from inhale to exhale and back.
That is going to be the tricky part Im going to work on it further tomarrow at rehearsal. I think thats all Job For A Cowboy does Im just going to use it for pig squeals and really long screams just moving your lips changes the pitch so easy.
I can sustain way longer with this as far as drawn out screams.
Go to You Tube I put in melissa cross and came across this 12 yr old that scream real good and might teach you some things than I found this pig squeal challenge thing and a dude tells you a simple step and its cake after that, well for me anyways.
Nevermind, I guess I can do the inhale scream I never tried it untill right now and its FUCKIN AWSOME its so easy to do to I just have to learn to transition from inhale to exhale and back.
That is going to be the tricky part Im going to work on it further tomarrow at rehearsal. I think thats all Job For A Cowboy does Im just going to use it for pig squeals and really long screams just moving your lips changes the pitch so easy.
I can sustain way longer with this as far as drawn out screams.
Go to You Tube I put in melissa cross and came across this 12 yr old that scream real good and might teach you some things than I found this pig squeal challenge thing and a dude tells you a simple step and its cake after that, well for me anyways.

im pretty sure jonny davy (job for a cowboy) doent use inhales but it does sound alot like he does.

edit:then again he might when he pig sqeals but he doesnt do that alot on genisis.
I didnt think you could be heard projecting sound out when inhaling in. but they sound really demonic and you can change pitch with slight movement of your mouth from high to low. Its really cool but going back and forth is hard. Im not going to do it at all cuz its such a bitch to transition.