inhale technique

I know youve probably already got it down but ive been doin the inhale for about 8 years and im louder than most exhale screamers, so id just say once you get it down just keep practicing and youll get louder
My vocals exhaled

Just practice exhales man, you will feel good once you get them down. Inhaling is also bad for you. Its not nearly as natural as exhaling.
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Do you cup the mic?

Me? There wasn't a mic to cup. You can hear the high freqz from the high pitched gutturals, if I would have cupped, it can't really be heard. Although I do put one hand next to my mouth as if I am holding a mic haha, otherwise I feel stupid.
LoL at your user-name. Good stuff...

Um, the inhale technique is actually incredibly easy. Pull some air in, and play around with your throat and you'll get a noise. You can go really low (pig squeele type stuff) and kinda high too (like the Labm of God guy).

Try it :)

Randy Blythe (Lamb of God) uses exhales.
No he doesn't. He uses an inhale technique taught by Melissa Cross. Either way, his vocals suck.

No, he uses exhales. That's how he gets those incredible highs and lows. I have never heard any inhale screamer hold a scream out for 20 seconds, like Randy does on MANY LoG songs.
No, he uses exhales. That's how he gets those incredible highs and lows. I have never heard any inhale screamer hold a scream out for 20 seconds, like Randy does on MANY LoG songs.

His highs are garbage. Sounds like a terradactyl, and lows? I was not aware he even did growls.