inhale technique

I'd still like to know some vocalists who use this technique,also the method of humming a note while inhaling in gave me hiccups for 3days straight.
Wish i could help but i'm from south africa,all i wanna get my is my vocal range from death metal to bleeding through's style.
the way I learned the inhale technic was from a dudes video on YOU TUBE its some "can you do a pig squeal" repost thing he said the way he learned was by inhaling the name Bree I dont know how to spell the name and that was all it took for me I did it once and once you do it you relize its really fucking easy but really fuckin hard to transition from inhale to exhale thats my only problem with it Im sure Job For A Cowboy uses it every once and awhile and Lamb Of God also I came across the video on you tube when I looked up Melissa Cross went through a couple vids and on the right hand side ofthe vid is other vids that are supposed to be kinda like that vid if ya know what im saying, I found one of this 12 yr old explaining how to scream differant ranges (he was pretty good and helpful if you dont know how to do it) than off that video I found another one of like a 47 sec scream this guy just standing in his room than from that I found another and so on just digon youtube and youll find it search for PIG SQUEAL and you might find it.
Bree? Jesus Christ it is FUCKING REET. Job for a cowboy is also a horrible example for inhales. You should be looking at bands like Wormed, Prostitute Disfigurement, Torsofuck, and other ilk for deep inhales.
Reet and Bree wow thats such an amazing differance since they are like exactly the same sound, I learned off of Bree. Reet is the samething except it has Ree instead of Bree.
Pronunciation is key in any type of vocalization. Exaggerate the "B" in Breet: Notice you your tongue and lips end up forming a "buur" sound? Whereas in "Reet" it is literally just a "reeeeeeee".

"buuuuuuur-reeeeeet" vs. "Reeeeeeeeeet"

There is a huge (and amazing omg!!!) difference. And even though you may think that this is not that much of a big deal, the entirety of human language would say otherwise; differing accents on letters can change the phonetic structure of a statement, and in turn can completely disable the meaning of a word. One example would be in sanskrit, where one sound that exists is kind of equated to a "gh", and its extended cousin is a "gu-uh" like as if you are saying it with an extra push of air. these differences change the tense of the word entirely and can really screw up syntax.
wow,both u guys are really helpful,but i,m still battling to find an answer on what technique the vocalist of Bleeding Through uses,in sum ways i think he,s using inhale and transitioning to exhale.please help
I will take a listen later and post here; they're typically not one of the bands I usually listen to per se, but it shouldn't be too hard to find out.

I would do it right now at work, but I wouldn't be able to get to their myspace (blocked on campus).
thanks Sera,i,m also blocked at work from myspace,sux bad.
Also another band is Darkest Hour,not sure what technique is getting used there to
Yeah Bleeding Through is just screaming plain and simple screaming not tech just screaming and however it comes out is how it sounds.

(and Bam.One if your blocked from myspace at work I use I dont know if you have used that but they havent ever blocked it yet from our servers where I work, Im a computer tech for an evil computer corporation.)
i,m so worried i get busted by our damn IT guys,the main guy is like hitler spotting jews when it comes to blocking sites,but nonetheless i will try,thrama is there any other way to listen to your track?
also how the fuck do u learn to scream like Bleeding through,i can sing an entire song like i,m Glen Benton but it gets boring,i wanna SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah we posted 2 new songs on our site now.

thats the only site we have musice posted I was thinking of making a pure volume page aswell here pretty soon but for now myspace is the only place to listen to them.
Thanks thrama,i think i might have exhales down,just not sure on what the volume level should be,monday i'm gonna take a listen bro,thanks alot dude.i still wanna learn how to blast like bleeding through,even in flames,my Fuck.i'd die to sing like that.