Innerverse - Radical Revolution


In sanity
Jul 2, 2002
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Hello everyone! :headbang:

Innerverse is an one man band, which includes session members according to the needs of each song of ours....We incorporate many different elements to our music, including symphonic / soundtrack aspects together with prog metal elements...We focus mainly on the symphonic part, although each song has it's own character and incorporates different influences....
As you can imagine, the mixing part of the different tracks can become quite a difficult task, as it's done mostly by me, in one p.c. which is no hi-end machine but can (till now!) support the projects to a satisfying result...(on a demo level). I would like to hear some opinions about the last song we currently finished, called "Radical Revolution" can hear it here:

Any tips on the mixing / mastering part???
My audio equipment includes an e-mu 1616m sound card and 2 KRK Rokit 5 monitors...

Rock on! :Smokin:
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