Wavs from a recording session for mix practice


Members Only Member
Apr 1, 2008
Osceola Mills, PA

hey guys, here are the session wavs from our last recording session that we did for a metal compilation we were recently a part of. on a suggestion, i finally posted it here. i hope you guys like it. to hear a mix i did and the song, visit www.myspace.com/keithreyn
the song is called 'liars among us'.
i figured it would help some people with mixing practice. i know i enjoy when people post session wavs. anyway, have a listen, and DL if you want. have a great day guys!
also, if you do happen to do a mix, post it! im excited to hear what can be done with the song.
btw- we arent perfect, so im sure youll find mistakes. i dont care to hear about that, hahaha!
I'll grab it tomorrow. I started to tonight but the server is very slow (it was crawling at 68k) and Call of Duty is calling my name :)
Sweet. Downloading now. Hope they are real drums as i need to practise with those. :headbang:

fuckign sendspace...

got to 85% then it stopped...so I just have a corrupt wav file... there goes my download limit...

I got up to TOM3...so if anyone can upload just the rest that would be awesome.
hey guys!
Im glad some people are enjoying the files. If there is some other place i should upload it to help with better DLs or something let me know and i will.

We recorded it in July at a local 'studio'. I didnt have an 8 channel interface so i couldnt record it. The guy used Pro Tools to record it. I dont really remember the mics he used on the drums. The gtr was done with an sm 57. i wanted him to also use a condenser and he didnt think it was necessary.
I started looking at his equipment, and he got a little weird about. just seemed uneasy. i asked questions about the interface he was using. it was the m-audio delta1010LT.
The lead guitarist used an ENGL Powerball. I was running through a Mesa tube power amp and using my Boss GT-6.
If theres any other questions, ill be happy to try to answer.

btw-What do you guys think about the song?
KeithReyn. Give me a reference as to what sound your after. Guitar sound,drum sound, etc... For instance, we like the sound of this bands bass or this bands drums.
Heres My Mix:


Im not biggest fan of Black/death metal but i do like some Emperor and Satyricon so i tried to go in that direction, would love some feedback on this 1.

KeithReyn- The song is pretty cool i quite like it as it's on the thrashy side which is what i prefer, vocals for me dont do it but thats just personal preference.

Heres My Mix:


Im not biggest fan of Black/death metal but i do like some Emperor and Satyricon so i tried to go in that direction, would love some feedback on this 1.

KeithReyn- The song is pretty cool i quite like it as it's on the thrashy side which is what i prefer, vocals for me dont do it but thats just personal preference.


Something is wrong with your soundclick page. Everything has digital breakup. I went to my soundclick page and others and they work. Might want to check it out.
Keith, I was wondering if I could upload my mix of the song on my studios Soundclick as a sample of my mixing work? I would of course give all due credit to you and link your myspace/band page and anything else you would like me to add!

Pretty please? :lol: