
May 16, 2008
I need instrumental death band like ''Sepia Dreamer'' or any band that play heavy dark intsrumetnal metal :headbang: :headbang:

BTW this site is very useful and this section is great i have discovered a lot of bands from here .....
I can only recommend Blotted Science. The bassist is from Cannibal Corpse. If you like his work with CC, then this may be of interest to you. The music itself is not Death Metal though.
definetly check out continiou renacer cuz that shit is awesome...most def listin to the dude who reccomended sleep terror. they both have a lot of jazz influience. canvas solaris is fucking amazing and pretty tech. if you get their demo album they have vocals on that one and its sweeet death metal but i must say they sound better as an instrumental unit. check out some of their older albums cuz their new one is more mellow. also check out

electro quarterstaff-lot of thrash influience
behold...the arctopus-jazzy tech metal
novum organum- broken up but myspace still works

thats all i can think of...but seriously the bands mentioned in this thread may not be as death metal as you want but they are seriously sick( aforementioned zebulon pike and blotted science)
Instrumental Death Metal?
Only album I can think of is this from Fredrik from Meshuggah.