
It's the solo project of the guitarist/bassist for Behold The Arctopus & Dysrhythmia

It's awesome stuff. I prefer it to Behold the Arctopus.

This is an epic master thread to end all threads. I will refer to this thread for years to come. Don't let it die! I have kinda a hard time finding good instrumental metal bands.

There's this recent instrumental band that Derek Sherinian produced in the studio... I wish I could think of their name. On the Virg is also another great instrumental band with Virgil Donati. It's not instrumental death metal... But I didn't know there was such a thing.
I'll include some non-death metal instrumental bands that you might want to check out anyway.
Indricothere (Death/Prog/Fusion)
Behold...The Arctopus(Tech-Prog/Fusion/Death)
Blotted Science(Tech-Prog/Death)
Canvas Solaris(Tech-Prog)
Continuo Renacer(Death/Tech-Prog/Fusion)
Electrocution 250(ermmm...Prog/Cartoon Music?)
The Fractured Dimension (Prog/Classical/Fusion) (Not very metal, but definately check them out)
Scale The Summit(Prog)
Novum Organum(Death/Tech-Prog)

I'd be interested to know the name of the band that Derek Sherinian is producing. You heard any of his solo stuff or his work with Planet X? Pretty good.
Canvas Solaris fucking slay hard!!! :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: No fucking joke. Best instrumental band I've come across in ages it seems. I will be looking as much into them as possible.

Sepia Dreamer was pretty bad ass too, although not as good. They were a little more formulaic, at least judging by their MySpace tracks.
I have no idea how you could see 'em as formulaic, and Canvas Solaris is wanky as fuck except for Penumbra Diffuse which actually contains good songs.
They're not formulaic, I just said they were more formulaic than Canvas Solaris. It was a bad choice of words, I just couldn't think of anything better. Both stellar bands though, srsly
Just listened for the first time. Wow.

Yeah, no shit. Awesome stuff. I will have to buy some of their stuff in the future.

I DLed an AWESOME album from Canvas Solaris, but it was the only one I could find by them. I will have to buy the rest of their stuff eventually too. First I need to pay off my debt though... :(