Instrumental Technical DM


May 31, 2004
Atlanta 'burbs
I like me some death vocals, but sometimes I just wanna jam out to the heavy rhythms without the vocals. Could you folks recommend any bands that go this route? Or even individual songs if they're particularly amazing.

Not very technical but still a really cool death metal instrumental...

Live was all I could find :(
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2nd for sleep terror.

also, if you can find it, look for excarnum. it was a friends band, really good stuff. didnt go very far though. tons of label interest, but they all demanded they get a singer. if you cant find it, ive got the cd. i can send it to you
Krow, I really liked that song. Definitely not technical but it has a nice death groove =D

Downloaded some Sleep Terror too, not completely sure on it one way or the other but I think I'll like it after a few more listens.
Behold... The Arctopus
Animals As Leaders
Blotted Science
God Is An Astronaut
Chimp Spanner
(Sorry for being late, just joined this forum yesterday)