intellectual discourse on the newest metallica and megadeth cds


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
so here's a revelation i had.

james hetfield went into rehab and also went through all that therapy with the band.

dave mustaine became a born-again christian.

so both of these guys have released albums now where their musical attempt is to write heavier music to remind themselves of their past but at the same time infusing the lyrics with their newfound perspectives on life.

so i find it strange that they each have tried for the same approach with the new metallica album being heavy music that is lyrically about coming to terms with your own personal anger and demons and dave writes an album that while is still politically motivated has a tinge of christian beliefs thrown into the mix to show where he has come from and how he is now got a new lease on life.

so the end result is, does this approach work in the music?

the answer is NO. while i find some of the riffs to be good on each release, the songs still have a bvoring-ness to them that bugs me.

however, the area where mustaine actually succeeds better than hetfield is that he chose the high road and made a return-to-roots album that has good production, killer drumming, and the saving grace of chris poland's guitar solos to break up the monotony.

so while neither album is a classic, i think its fair to say that for the first time i will declare that megadeth beats out metallica in a battle which no one really should care about anyway.
as per our discussion yesterday, and admitting that i haven't heard anything by either project, i still think this is highly manipulative music targeting (and missing?) the teenage demographic.

maybe it is still hitting the right nerves, and maybe my argument is deeply irrelevant, but i like to think there is a noticeable difference between truly driven 'heavy' music produced by struggling people (no matter how stupid the message or motivation is), and 'heavy' music produced by older millionaires who are pursuing a calmer, more established route in life.
I really want to hear the new Megadeth.

They were my #1 band growing up. And Chris Poland is so outstanding and unique as far as metal guys go.

Also, didn't Vinnie Coliutta play drums on the new deth?
why sam? Just give him $$$$$$, and he'll record the album in one take perfectly and leave.


As far as this kind of music goes, he also played on the soundtrack for Queen of the Damned (??) that vampire movie with Aliyah and you wouldn't know if you didn't read the liner notes.

He's the ultimate professional.

Greg: it's Chris Poland's first post-Megadeth band. It came out on some major label I 1993? It's really good prog metal-ish stuff that doesn't sound generic or rehashed. It's self-titled, check it out if you can find it.