Interactive story game...


Amateur Dentist
May 13, 2002

So I'll kick it off and each person contributes anything they can think of, and the next poster replies; adding more and so on.

This is gonna be fucked up! :headbang:

So Matt was walking while chewing gum and swinging his nightstick around while humming "Ghost Light" to himself when a car pulled up beside him and asked...

(Now add to it. :D )
when a car pulled up beside him and asked...

"<Robot voice> Hello human, I am an Autobot from the planet Cybertron. Do you need a lift?</robot voice>"

To which Matt answered:...

(seeing as I don't know of any other cars that can talk, I went with a Transformer
Only going by what korruption started here...)

EDIT: now that I think about it, it could have also been Kitt from the Knightrider but meh... Transformers are cooler
Matt:"Hmm...i heard they have great Sushi there,...sure why not."

As he sits on the passenger seat,Matt notices a couple of dismantled robots on the back seat of the car.
Matt: "Are those dismantled Decepticons in the back seat?"
Unidentified Autobot: "Yes, I happened upon them by chance the other day. I was on a recon mission and was simply going to report back as to what I'd seen, but then I noticed that they were listening to some unbearable Emo Pop...I couldn't take it anymore and I ambushed them on the was quite satisfying"
Matt: "Haha, good what kind of music do Autobots listen to?"
Autobot: We only enjoy 8-bit techno, as that is the only type of music our brains can identify.
Matt: Sounds pretty cool, think you could play something for me?
Autobot: Unfortunately not, as 8-bit techno here on Earth awakens forces that are too strong for this world...The Flopperbots.
Matt: *in awe* Oh my... please tell me more about these godforsaken beings.
Autobot: Those forsaken beings were killed by the flopper-beast, and then revived by the legend of the flopper-carver!
.. yet, the freshly shaven head allows the near death Norris blow to only slightly graze and slip Matts head. Then Matt fights back and replies with, "fuckin Chuck, the sun shall rise, my enemies yield, you'll find my fleece, my true face unvieled! Chuck hears this and runs away screaming...
Michael materialized out of nowhere and invited Matt to join him in getting shitfaced, then they spotted Jon Schaffer who walked up to them and said...
A fan comes outta nowhere and shouts "Naw but he has grey hair! Being a stormrider will do that to a man, ya dig?"
As Jon leaves in his never ending search to find some Grey Poupon, Mike and Matt surround the fan who came outta nowhere and ask, "we noticed you are wearing a pair of Tokes red leather pants, how did you get them?" The crazed fan replies...
..."mmmmmm...beeeer...mmmmm...beeeer...mmmmm...beeeer":puke::puke:...-"GUYS STOP!" Yelled the fan. "Sounds like you two have a drinking problem?" Mike and Matt shrug thier shoulders and say, "you think we have a drinking problem, one night during the recording of 'Immortal', Niels and Jonah got so shitfaced they decided too..."