Interesting occupations


Sep 11, 2010
Heart of Dixie
At this year's festival, bands had two physicists and one Disney executive VP that I know of. What other unexpected occupations did you encounter among the musicians?
I'm interested to see which other ProgPower musician's occupations might pop up in this thread. A friend of mine and I were having a discussion this weekend (I think on Thursday) related to this.

He was saying how he thought that at least several of the bands playing ProgPower were probably so big that touring and playing was their main line of business and many of them probably did not need "day jobs."

I was sure that was not the case as most musicians these days can not make a full living off of just touring and recording music. (Wouldn't that be great if they could!) Sure many of them may work in other areas of the industry (studio musicians, producers, music teachers, etc.) but I would be willing to bet that most of the bands playing the fest this weekend (even the bigger bands and headliners) also have "day jobs" that pay their bills.

I'll definitely have to share this thread with my friend.
on the progpower booklet thingie, I saw an interview where Elize from Amaramthe says she has a day job doing something that involves computers and technology. I thought it was very interesting.

At the same time, It's kind of a shame that most of these artists - being so talented and professional at what they do - have to have parallel day jobs because music doesn't pay enough.
Mark Jansen has a Master Degree in Psychology. I thought that was interesting. He definitely F'd with my mind with Mayan (and Epica).
Georg from Serenity teaches history. I didn't get to find out whether he taught high school or college kids.

A quick search shows that he teaches at Universität Innsbruck and looks like he went the whole nine yards and got his PhD to boot. Not too shabby!
Andy, the keyboard player from Redemption, he's a rep for "Line 6" musical equipment. It made sense when I realized they were all using Line 6 gear :p
He kept insisting that the new Line 6 PA Mixer is so awesome too. But then again, that's what a rep is supposed to do.
See, it's interesting to me because I'm all into Audio equipment. I dunno about you guys, but I think that's pretty cool.