Interesting video w. Steven Wilson incl. production, songwriting...

Although I don't like seeing people speak poorly of all of metal, as if it could be shoved into one tiny little hole and treated as bazillions of copies of the same thing, the impression I got from the Opeth commentary was nothing like that. As with anything else, 99% of metal is worthless garbage and there's no point in denying that. Metal doesn't have to be 'limiting', of course (unless you buy into the worst combination of elitism and narrow-mindedness imaginable), but those that find metal to be freeing and not limiting are, sadly, not very common.

I don't think metal can outdo jazz as far as covering ground - at best, they're at about the same level there.


+1 and especially the bolded point, I agree with a hell of a lot.
There's a reason why about 30-40 per cent of the music I listen to isn't even metal anymore.
What I dig about Steve is that he is one of the people who embodies the idea of production and music being one, unified, interleaved thing. If only more people came to think in his terms, I think there would be a much lesser disparity between engineers, producers and musicians.
What I dig about Steve is that he is one of the people who embodies the idea of production and music being one, unified, interleaved thing. If only more people came to think in his terms, I think there would be a much lesser disparity between engineers, producers and musicians.

Oh yeah, definately.
People give me looks like I'm advocating the holocaust when I explain that engineering and mixing and mastering are all hugely artistic processes, but it takes one look at any topic on this forum where someone wants their album mixed to see it's true.
I mean, they'll post up the raws, people will start posting up their mixes and you'll hear just how much of a ridiculous affect that can have on how you percieve the music and I'm glad Wilson takes this idea of keeping it all one unified process to such an extreme.
Yeah, the Tape Op article is nice.

My favorite thing about this (which really kills any chance at accusations of being smarmy or pretentious) is that he comes right out with "... I call it a studio, but it's just a computer, really, in a little room in my parents' place at the moment."

I think it is funny his room is still in his parents place. I guess its still there because he knows the room so well and doesn't want to move it. I can't say I blame him.
Cool video, thanks for posting that, I like Steven Wilson.

Damn, there are so many great quotes on this thread, but I'm gonna sig this one:

Prog rock guys are generally between white jazz studies majors and computer programmers on the cool hierarchy.