Interface: Line6 vs. Mackie vs. E-MU


not really cuban
Nov 17, 2010

i'm currently thinking about getting my equip upgraded a bit. Have to go for a 2.0 Interface, so I pointed out three devices i could go for:

1.) LINE6 UX1, which I own at the moment, but guess it's not the best solution
2.) MACKIE ONYX BLACKJACK, good reviews, but also some say there are driver problems going on and it's quite new, not many user reviews available
3.) E-MU TRACKER PRE (or 0404 - which one is better?), which has quite good preamps (according to reviews - maybe I don't need an additional DI box (or do I??)).

For which one would you go (or would you actually keep the UX1?), or would you recommend another one? Budget ~200€ (~250$) and I'd like to record guitars and vocals mainly.

Thanks for your help!
thanx, but it should be a USB device, i dont have a firewire port on my laptop :(
Tracker Pre cannot handle enough output, for example SH-4 in good hands can cause clipping even at minimum possible gain.
IIRC Mackie Onyx interfaces tend to break down and stop functionning (don't know if it applies to the Blackjack too) and Line 6 drivers are a PITA. I use an EMU 0404 USB and while the performances are not stellar, they are good and more than enough for my needs. If you can go add a firewire card though, do it.
Okay, maybe I'm gonna try to use my PC again, which has a firewire port... but is not as powerful as my laptop. but maybe he can handle it (with a bit more RAM)... Which firewire device would you pick?

And one question for you, P-E: I heard about some driver issues about using your DAW and playback music at the same time (e.g. using REAPER and WINAMP at the same time).. Is it possible to do that or not? I'm using windows 7, btw
Thanks for your reply, already considered that one as well. Any further experiences with that device?

And, sry for OT, but since I'm quite a n00b and just started getting into it: Can someone explain me what the "2 bus" is? Thanks
Haha, I know, my nick suggest so, but in fact I'm from Germany. My nick is based on some strange story by my friends :) Well.. the RME is on a quite different price level, i guess :D
Haha, I was surprised to see a Cuban around!

And sorry I didn't see the price range.

From your options, I only tried Emu once but there was a weird latency with the linked midi keyboard and everything looked fine in the settings. The Cakewalk Ua-25 EX is perfectly fine in that range. Good drivers and a compressor included.
Check out the Native Instruments Audio Kontrol 1. It will do up to 192k, has 4 outs, midi, seperate line/instrument selection on inputs. It also came with Guitarig3 le, Kore Player le, and Trakktor le, and Cubase as well as a coupon for a free NI plug worth $199us, (which was what I paid for the interface itself!) What a deal! I'm absolutely LOVING this thing! (And I bought the full version of Absynth 5 with the coupon. Sweet!) :yow: