Internet issues today

Josh Seipp

Nov 19, 2003
Visit site
MICA Community,

We are experiencing Internet problems today campus wide.

You may intermittently lose your Internet connection.

This means that any external web pages (Yahoo, CNN, anything outside of MICA) or external email (email sent to non-MICA addresses) may not work.

You should be able to use MICA internal web pages (Peoplesoft, Portal, email, etc.) and internal email (email sent between MICA email addresses).

We are working to fix the problem.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

Thank you for your patience.
this morning the people who own my company's office building were doing some demolition downstairs to get ready for new tenants and they demoed our T1! hooray for checking things before you do things

also hooray for being the IT guy and as such not getting to sit around fluffing my beard in the sun while the situation resolved itself