> TV?
to me it is!
Here's a list of some of my favourites:


Here's a list of some of my favourites:
- The Angry Video Game Nerd (James Rolfe)
I don't know whether he was the first of his kind to come along or not, if you enjoy videos that contain excessive cursing and far too many mentions relating to bowel movements and that kind of humor, you'll like this even if it does tend to run dry from time to time(Ugh wow, bit of a pun there)...
Character aside though, I think his production values are second to none. There's some videos that give a peek of the hard/software devices he uses and it's no damn wonder.
- The Nostalgia Critic (Doug Walker)
Aside from being another internet star similar to the AVGN who never changes his clothes, I think he's by far the funnier of the two. Humor just seems to come so naturally to him, and his factial expressions, gestures, and impressions are bang-on, given what he's working with.
Doug poses as a few other characters also, but the Critic is--to me--his best achievement.
- Spoony (Noah Antwiler)
Holds his own very well...not that I've walked in on him or anything...but all joking aside, he's another witty-as-fuck reviewer of games, movies, FMVs, etc. I think what put him on the map was his major dissing review--or 'let's play' of "Final Fantasy VIII". Even if you love that game, you're guaranteed to find a lot of hilarious shit. And even more hilarious shit from his other reviews/play-alongs/rants and so forth.
- LordKaT (Jason Pollara)
I don't know how famous this guy is. He's new, but he's steadily gaining fame. How? By beating games that are so hard, it's as if they used Satan as the difficulty consultant. Ghostbusters on the NES? Check. TMNT1 for NES? Check. Earthworm Jim? Check. Silver Surfer... Check... And well ok, are you ready for this next one? BATTLETOADS..... CHECK!!!
This guy is mad, mad I tells yehz!!!