Interview Update


Busyness and stress... busyness and stress... and being unable to concentrate...

If the situation allows (I am currently restricted in my computer/internet access), I will work on and finish the transcript on Saturday (a week from today). Spring break starts two weeks from today and that will give me a lot of free time, but I don't want to wait that long. I really apologize this has taken so long (especially to Matt and Emil).

To make matters worse, my computer crashed two weeks ago, and I can't access any of the files on its hard drive. Writing works and various other important things were lost and it's been discouraging and depressing me. But by the grace of God, several very important files, including the audio file for my interview with Matt and what I have written of the transcript (40% or so), just happened to be on my jump drive at the time of the crash. It's little things like that that prove to me that God exists.

Can't wait to finish the interview. Prayers would be appreciated. Thanks!
Just in case you don't know this: most of the time when a computer system crashes, most of the files on the hard drive are just fine. Definitely don't throw it out without checking! If it's a PC, just try disconnecting the hard drive and connect it to a different PC and you should be able to access it.

Sorry if that was all obvious, but a lot of people think that if the computer won't start, the files are lost, so I'm just making sure. :)
Sorry if that was all obvious, but a lot of people think that if the computer won't start, the files are lost, so I'm just making sure. :)

Good point, and just to add to that, there are ways to try and recover data even if that fails. It's possible that even if the initial sectors of the hard disk are corrupted, the data is still sitting around in the partitions. Often it just needs reconstructing. Not ideal, but worth considering if the data is important to you. This method can even work - with mixed success - on a "formatted" drive as formatting doesn't usually wipe the data but instead marks it as free space.

Anyway, I look forward to reading the interview :)