Interview with Mike Lepond in half an hour...

The Yngster said:
Mike likes beef! :rock: What servers you play cs on? You should come play with me on the Stargate servers.

I really don't have any set IP's except for the occaisional CAL server. Yea, give me the IP's and I'll play on them, as long as they are under 150 ping. Anything over 150 is too high I feel. Are you CAL? Yea, we should set up a time where we can scrim or just pub. Either way, it's all good. THX!

P.S. Play DoD 1.0? If so, whats your opinion on it?
SG2k My name there is Iced_1776
The ping is under 150 (or should be), but some people have random lagging problems, but their comps probably suck :) I could be CAL if I wanted, but most of the time I don't play serious. Oh yeah and if your really good theres a chance you'll get banned, some of the admins are real pricks ;) :grin:
nah manga sam was the first caller.. he was like.. we lost.. i was like..NO YOU KEEP TRYING!!!!!!! lmfao!! i wouldnt let him stop calling until i heard manda on the radio talking to you..
You lucky bastards!

I heard Mike talking on the Live In Langen MP3's and he just sounds like the nicest guy on the planet. A bunch of respect to you Michael!!!
If anyone wants the mp3 i have it on my HD, im mandaXXX31 on AIM and mandaX31 on Yahoo messenger, just IM me and bug me and i'll give ya the hook up :)