So many n00bs, so little pwnage.
Scottish are genetically superior.
Lay off the Norewgian. He's genetically superior to the rest of you. especially you goddamned swedes... (deadpan)
speaking of which, overthrown, you live in Rogaland, right? do you know were Hjelmeland is? that's were my granddfather was born.
It was us Scots that created the world
I'm Alex. I love rocking out.
1st drink of choice: Strongbow
2nd drink of choice: Jack Daniels
3rd drink of choice: Jagermeister
4th drink of choice: Snakebite Black
5th drink of choice: Heineken
Stuff is good, including CASH, BUCKETS and NETTLES!
I can tell if someone has eaten tuna by the smell of their urine.
The easiest way to not have me say stupid shit to you is to not ask me a question.
To qote Frankie Boyle: Scotlads jst a nation of bullshitters.